The Link Between Child Abuse and Animal Cruelty

What is Cross-Reporting?
Research has shown links between animal cruelty, intimate partner violence, and child abuse/neglect.  Households experiencing IPV or child abuse or neglect may also experience animal cruelty.  Further, animal abuse in children and youth can be a sign of sexual abuse.  Because of the connections between these issues, DCF Social Workers must report suspected animal abuse/neglect to the Department of Agriculture (DOA), and the DOA also reports instances of suspected child abuse/neglect to DCF.  DCF also submits annual reports to the legislature summarizing the cross-reporting of the previous year.

More Information:

Important Forms and Policies

  • DCF-736 – Notification to Department of Agriculture of Suspected Animal harm, Neglect or Cruel Treatment
  • DCF Policy 21-19 - Animal Abuse or Neglect:  Reporting Procedure

Reports Concerning Actual or Suspected Animal Abuse - § 17a-100c


Questions?  Contact:  Diane Rosell or Jackie Ford


