Contract Management
The key feature of this site is the "Contracts Library" where all of DCF's Purchase of Services (POS) contracts can be viewed by Provider or by Service Type. [Note: Copies of Personal Service Agreements (PSAs) are not included.]
DCM staff is available to support you with contract clarity, scope and PSA writing and will help facilitate communication between area office staff, the program leads and providers.
We welcome your feedback. If you cannot find what you need here on this site, please contact Amy Carrillo at
BizNet Portal Contact Us Contracts Library Contract Templates FAQ's Forms and Instructions Miscellaneous Information Other State Agencies RFP's Personal Service Agreement Purchase of Service RFPs / RFIs / RFQs
Applications / Grants / Plans / Reports:
- SFY 2021-2023 Procurement Plan
- SFY21 HSC Contract Inventory (2-2-21)
- SFY21 HSC Staffing Ratios
- SFY 19 TANF Claims
- SFY 2020 Enhancement Grant Applications
- SFY 2020 Enhancement Funding Allocation (Attachment A)
- State Single Audit Submission Memo
- Youth Services Bureau Grant Application
Contact Us
- Contract Staff Directory (3/19)
- Fiscal Lead Provider List (2/21)
- PDOC and PS List (1/21)
Library Usage
This Library allows the user to view the electronic version of DCF contracts which includes but is not limited to; Provider Contact Information, Program Services, Budget Information, Contract Dates and more.
To view contracts click on Search Approved Contracts. You will see 2 tabs, Contractor Name and Service Type.
(a) To view contracts by Provider click on Contractor Name. Click on the drop box arrow in the far right top corner and a list of Contractors will drop down. Click on a contractor's name.
(b) To view contracts by Service Type click onto Service Type. Click on the drop box arrow in the far right top corner and a list of Service Types will drop down. Click on a Service Type.
- To view contract information, (contact person, site address, fiscal contacts, contract dates), click on the Contractor Name, and then click onto the provider's name, (ex. ACCESS) then click on "submit query". click on the Contractor's Name link, (ex. Access Agency, Inc.) Contractor Name & Info Then right below the The contract information face sheet will appear with all the contact data.
- To view the full array of services, list of towns, contact information, population and contract capacity, referral process, operating hours and staffing provided by the provider click on Contractor Name, then click onto the provider's name,(ex. ACCESS) submit query. Then click on View Scope.
- To view the budget and/or budget narrative click on Contractor Name, then click onto the provider's name, (ex. ACCESS) then click on "submit query." Then click on View Budget or view Budget Narrative.
- To view a list by service type or type of services in order to see a list of all of a particular service type, click on Service Type. Click on the drop box arrow in the far right top corner and a list of service types will drop down. Click on the service type you want; ex. Community Based Life Skills. Then click on "submit query." A list of all of the contracted Community Based Life Skills programs will appear.
- Budget Revision Request
- Budget Revision Request - Instructions
- Consolidated Budget Forms
- Consolidated Budget - Instructions
- Consolidated Financial Reporting Form
- Consolidated Financial Reporting Form - Instructions
- UCOA Workbook
RFP Forms
Miscellaneous Information
- Bidder's CHRO Compliance Package
- Evidence of Non-Discrimination Form Guidance
- State Contractors Guide to the Code of Ethics
Request for Proposal (RFP) / Request for Information (RFI) / Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
RFP: Family Based Recovery
- Family Based Recovery Cover Letter
- Family Based Recovery LOI Blank
- Family Based Recovery Outline
- Family Based Recovery Final
RFP: Governor's Task Force on Justice for Abused Children
RFP: QPC Meriden
RFP: The Launch Program
- The Launch Program Cover Letter
- The Launch Program LOI Blank
- The Launch Program Outline
- The Launch Program Final
RFI: Preservation and Reunification Program
RFQ: FFT FC Program Improvement Center
Phase I: Preparation
An agency must begin by developing a written description of the services. If the agency decides to contract out, it must determine the anticipated cost and term of the service to be provided. If State statutes require an agency to select a Contractor through a competitive negotiation (i.e., an RFP process), then an agency must do so.
Phase II: Request For Proposals
When required by State statutes, an agency conducts an RFP process to select a Contractor.
There are six major steps in a typical RFP process: (1) organizing a Team to conduct the process; (2) writing the RFP document; (3) writing an evaluation plan; (4) issuing the RFP; (5) reviewing the proposals submitted in response to the RFP; and (6) selecting the Contractor.
- RFP Information
- RFP Manuals
- RFP Resource Guide
- RFP Technical Assistant Manual
- RFP DCM Panelist and Program Lead Roles
RFP Resources
- DAS Procurement Bidder Notification Registration: information about how to register for daily e-mails about contracts being offered by the state.
- BizNet Connection: is a requirement of DAS/Procurement Services that all suppliers and prospective suppliers create a business network account by adding a company profile in the BizNet system.
- Plan for Competitive Procurement of Human Services
- State Contracting Portal: search for current State of Connecticut RFPs.
Purchase of Service (POS)
A Purchase of Service (POS) contract is a legally binding agreement/document that defines the services or end product to be delivered to a state agency. A POS contract is used to purchase ongoing and routine human services for clients from private providers such as child guidance clinics or extended day treatment centers. Once services and cost are agreed upon, a contract is signed.
POS Materials:
Part I
Face Page Scope of Service (SOS Explanation)The SOS is a program description that is developed for each service type, describing the specific services that DCF is paying the contractor to provide. The Scope of Service includes the contract capacity, units of service, service delivery expectations, data outcome reporting requirements and other pertinent service elements of the contract.
Scope of Service Guidelines and Checklist
Sample SOS & Sections A, B & C (A - Description and Contract Capacity, B - Service Delivery Requirements, C - Reporting Requirements)
Sections D, E & F (D - Department Specific Provisions, E - Service Components not fee of service, F - Service Components for fee of service)
Part II
Mandatory Terms and Conditions
Personal Service Agreement (PSA)
- PSA Templates
- PSA Cover page
- PSA Service Agreement Request Form
- Exhibit A (Administrative Requirements/Agency)
- Exhibit A (Administrative Requirements/Individual)
- Exhibit B (Program Description):Writing Guidelines
- PSA Budget (Examples, (2) of PSA Budgets)