I get cash assistance / Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) from the Department of Social Services. But in order to continue my benefits, I have to show up in person to prove my eligibility. What do I do now?

Governor Lamont has authorized the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS) to waive the requirement for in-person recertification at the present time. Instead, please call the DSS Benefit Center to have an interview over the phone. 

Phone access is available through the DSS Client Information Line and Benefits Center at this number:

1-855-6-CONNECT (1-855-626-6632)

(TTD/TTY 1-800-842-4524 for persons with speech or hearing difficulties) Please follow the prompts to get the information you need. 

Additionally, please be aware that if you were scheduled for a TFA orientation meeting for Jobs First Employment Services, you do not need to come in person to the JFES office for that orientation at this time.