Now that schools are closed, what resources are available for at-home learning for my child?

First, please check with your child’s teacher, with your school district, and with your local public library.

The State Department of Education recently distributed a guidance packet to school districts that provides resources to support student learning during the COVID-19 crisis.

Commissioner Cardona is urging every parent in the state to review its materials. 

The State has also received two significant donations that will help students with remote learning:

• Indra and Raj Nooyi plan to make a donation of high-quality, take-home books from Scholastic. Students in prekindergarten through the third grade will receive four books per student plus a family resource guide. Students from fourth through eighth grades will receive three books per student and a family resource guide. The books are aligned with Connecticut state learning standards, and parents are encouraged to work with students at home to complete these exercises. Students will be able to keep the books indefinitely. 

• The Partnership for Connecticut, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Connecticut’s disengaged and disconnected youth and young adults access education and career opportunities, announced that it plans to donate up to 60,000 laptops to students from some of the state’s most under-resources high schools. The laptops will be targeted toward the state’s 33 Alliance Districts that serve significant populations of high school students who are eligible for free or reduce-price meals. 

The Governor’s COVID-19 Learn from Home Task Force will be working closely with school districts to help distribute these materials. Please check with your school district for more information.