Will my child’s daycare center stay open during the state’s emergency Coronavirus response?

Childcare is allowed to stay open, but with enhanced safety precautions required.


Childcare has been deemed an essential service, but it is possible that your child’s daycare center will close for other reasons, for example if there is a known exposure risk or a reason unrelated to COVID-19.


As of March 30 at 8:00 p.m., child care facilities are required to limit groups to no more than ten children in one space. Any facility caring for more than thirty children in one facility must obtain approval from the Commissioner of Early Childhood and demonstrate sufficient separation of groups within the facility.


All children and staff must be checked at the door for any observable illness, including cough or respiratory distress, and for a temperature reading below 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Staff must adhere to hygiene, cleaning and disinfection practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


The CT Office of Early Childhood will work to support programs that remain open with access to supplies, guidance, and consultation. As information regarding COVID-19 is continuing to evolve, the guidance provided by State Agencies is subject to change.


Advice and Guidance from the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) to Families in Need of Child Care throughout the Emergency:


• Stay home if you can.

• Look to trusted family, friends and neighbors to help with day care

  • Assure the child’s health before dropping them off at the facility

• Call 211 Child Care. 211 will identify programs available to care for your child on a temporary basis, either near your home or work location. 211 offers a dedicated phone line for health care workers, 1st responders: 860-756-0864



Advice for child care providers:


  • Maintain small groups of staff and children. Groups should not exceed 10.
  • Provide a health screening (temperature check) for all children and staff before entry into the child care location.
  • Increase health and sanitation practices including handwashing, cleaning and sanitizing.



For more information on safe childcare procedures during this crisis, visit here.