Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control

Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control

The following programs are being provided by the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection through the Connecticut Fire Academy to provide information and a baseline of training for agencies who may not have formal programs available. These programs are general in nature and follow the OSHA 29CFR1910.1030 in concept but may also need additional agency specifics for individual needs.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Each agency is required under 29CFR1910.1030 to provide Bloodborne Pathogens training to all employees. Program must include: Understanding Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control (how they can be transmitted), Occupational Exposures, Universal Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment, and Engineering Control Methods and Exposure Prevention. This program is being provided as a base for that required training. The Agency Trainer need only to review and perhaps add agency specific information


Scope and Application. This section applies to all occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials as defined by paragraph (b) of this section.


The employer shall train each employee with occupational exposure in accordance with the requirements of this section. Such training must be provided at no cost to the employee and during working hours. The employer shall institute a training program and ensure employee participation in the program.

Infection Control

Each agency is required under 29CFR1910.1030 to provide Bloodborne Pathogens training to all employees. Program must include: Understanding Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control.

This program gives further information beyond the Bloodborne Pathogens program on Generic and Specific Risk of all First Responders. Subjects include some specific transmittable diseases such as; Ebola, Enterovirus, Hepatitis, Herpes, HIV–Aids, Tuberculosis and levels of protection (P.P.E.) and some vaccinations available.

This program is also being provided as a base for required training and should be reviewed for agency specifics.

Bloodborne Pathogens presentation

EMS-Bloodborne Pathogens Supplement

Infection Control for Emergency First Responders presentation (EMS)  Updated for Novel Coronavirus

Infection Control Body Substance Isolation (BSI) 

Level C Personal Protective Equipment

The Connecticut Fire Academy in cooperation with the West Hartford Fire Department is proud to provide valuable educational material concerning Level C Personal Protective Equipment.

This information may be valuable for Agencies preparing P.P.E. for Special Emergency Medical Needs such as Ebola Response or Severe Trauma scene and other Hazardous Material Emergencies.

Four Charts are provided for:

(1) Donning Level C with APR

(2) Donning Level C with N-95 and Face Shield

(3) Decontamination of Level C

(4) Doffing Level C

These charts can be printed and laminated to be placed with the stored P.P.E. or in your Operations Plans as “Memory Joggers” to assist when performing these duties periodically.

A PowerPoint Training Program putting it all together will be posted in the near future.

The Connecticut Fire Academy would like to Thank West Hartford Fire Chief Gary Allyn and Fire Lieutenant Eric R. Munsell for their cooperation and expertise.