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What Happens Next?

Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 provides for public notice of most proposed transfers of state-owned lands out of state ownership.

The first step in the process -- mandatory public notice with a public comment period -- has already occurred. The current edition of the Environmental Monitor contains comments received from state agencies and the public along with  responses to those comments from the Office of Policy and Management (OPM).

The proposed land transfer now can take one of two tracks:

1.  If the Commissioner of  Energy and Environmental Protection has not elected to conduct a further review of the property, the sale or transfer may proceed after 15 days from this publication date. There will be no further notice and no further public comment.


2.  If the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection has elected to conduct a further review, he may prepare a report with draft recommendations for preserving all or a portion of the property. This report will be published in the Environmental Monitor. If this occurs, there will be a public comment period, a notice of the Commissioner's final recommendation, and notice of a final determination by OPM.

To learn about possible future public notices regarding this property, check future editions of the Environmental MonitorSign up for e-alerts to receive a reminder e-mail on publication dates.