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Environmental Monitor

July 19, 2016

  1.  CANCELLATION OF SCOPING PROCESS AND PUBLIC MEETING! Major Rehabilitation or Replacement of Heroes Tunnel (Bridge 00773) Route 15 Through West Rock Ridge, Woodbridge, Hamden, New Haven
  2.  NEW! Preston River Walk Remediation, Preston
  3.  NEW! Evaluation for Maintenance Building at East Haven Rifle Range, East Haven
  4. NEW! Additional Landings at East Haven Rifle Range, East Haven

Post-Scoping Notices: Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) Not Required

  1.  Marlborough Town Center Public Water System Phase II, Marlborough
  2.  NEW! Reconstruction of Old Farms Road, Avon

Environmental Impact Evaluations

  1.  Southbury Affordable-Elderly Housing Development, Southbury

State Land Transfers

   No Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.


The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on August 2, 2016.

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Notices in the Environmental Monitor are written by the sponsoring agencies and are published unedited. Questions about the content of any notice should be directed to the sponsoring agency.

Scoping Notices

"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated.


The following Scoping Notices have been submitted for review and comment.

1. Cancellation of Scoping for Rehabilitation or Replacement of Bridge No. 00773 (Heroes Tunnel) - Route 15 through West Rock Ridge

Municipalities where proposed project might be located: Woodbridge, Hamden, and New Haven

Address of Possible Project Location:  Bridge No. 00773 (Heroes Tunnel) - Route 15 through West Rock Ridge.  

Project Description: Bridge No. 00773, also known as the Heroes Tunnel, consists of twin 1,200 foot long horseshoe shaped tunnels, carrying two lanes of Route 15 (Wilbur Cross Parkway) traffic in each direction through the West Rock Ridge.  The Heroes Tunnel carries approximately 71,000 vehicles daily and is a vital scenic connector between New York and Hartford, as well as an alternate expressway route to Interstate 95 and Interstate 91. 

Structural and drainage deficiencies have been identified within the Heroes Tunnel.  The general deterioration necessitates either rehabilitation or replacement.  In addition to the deteriorating condition of the tunnel, other characteristics are substandard such as the electrical and mechanical utilities.  All of which would be upgraded or improved through the rehabilitation or replacement of the existing tunnel.

The recently completed preliminary study of the project has identified several rehabilitation alternatives, which include variations of tunnel rehabilitation, tunnel widening, and construction of a new third tunnel.  This project will be advanced into the preliminary design phase in the near future, where the alternatives identified in the study will be investigated in greater detail.

Project Map:  Click here to view a map of the project area.

The previously scheduled Public Scoping Meeting for July 27 2016 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date. This project will be re-scoped at some point in the near future and the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will accept comments at that time. CTDOT wishes to cancel the current scoping process for this project, which began on July 5, 2016.

If you have questions about the cancelled scoping meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Mr. David A. Cutler, Transportation Supervising Engineer
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131
Phone: 860-594-3210

2. Notice of Scoping for Preston Riverwalk  Remediation

Municipality where proposed project might be located: Preston

Address of Possible Project Location: 14 Route 12, Preston, CT 06365

Project Description: The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) will utilize up to $10 million of funds allocated under Public Act No. 15-193 to perform abatement, demolition and remediation activities at the approximately 393-acre former Norwich State Hospital located in the Town of Preston.  The site, which was formerly owned and operated by the State, has been included on the DECD Priority List of state-owned and formerly state-owned brownfields under Section 3 of (P.A. 15-193.)

The site has been dormant since the hospital closed its doors in 1996 and the Town of Preston took title to the property from the state in 2009. In May 2016, the Town of Preston and the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority (MTGA) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with regard to the sale and redevelopment of the property.

The proposed State funding will not be used for the redevelopment of the site, which will be privately financed. The $10 million will be used for the abatement of hazardous building materials, demolition activities, remediation, and related professional services.

Project Map:  Click here to view a Location Map of the project area.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: Friday, August 19, 2016. Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.  Such requests must be made by Friday, July 29, 2016.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to

Name: Maya Loewenberg
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address:   505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Fax: 860-760-5740

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Maya Loewenberg
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address:   505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-270-8155
Fax: 860-760-5740

3. Notice of Scoping for Evaluation for Maintenance Building Location at East Haven Rifle Range

Municipality: East Haven, CT

Project Description: Executive Order 13690 Evaluation  for East Haven Rifle Range Maintenance Building, Federal Executive Order 13690 – Establishing a Federal Flood Risk Management for Further Soliciting and Considering Stakeholder Input, The Connecticut Military Department is soliciting public and stakeholder input for the construction of a new Range Maintenance Building at the existing East Haven Rifle Range Facility owned and operated by the Connecticut Military Department.

Project Maps:  Click to view a map of the project area.

Click to view the FEMA flood map.

Click to view the master plan.

Click to view the layout plan.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: Friday, 19 August 2016.

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below by Friday, 29 July 2016.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.

Additional information about this project can be viewed in person at  360 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 06105

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: Rob Dollak

Agency: Connecticut Military Department          

Address: 360 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 06105                      


If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Rob Dollak            

Agency: Connecticut Military Department           

Address: 360 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 06105                         


Phone: 860-524-4945

The agency released an Environmental Impact Evaluation for this project in September, 2007.

4. Notice of Scoping for Additional Landings of Helicopters at East Haven Rifle Range

Municipality: East Haven, CT

Project Description: Project is for an increase of the current number of helicopter landings from approximately 4-5 annually to once per month.

Click to see the environmental checklist.

Project Maps:  Click to view a map of the project area.

Click to see the landing zone.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:Friday, 19 August 2016.

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below by Friday, 29 July 2016.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.

Additional information about this project can be viewed in person at 360 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 06105

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: Rob Dollak

Agency: Connecticut Military Department

Address: 360 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 06105


If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Rob Dollak

Agency: Connecticut Military Department

Address: 360 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 06105


Phone: 860-524-4945

Post-Scoping Notices:  Environmental Impact Evaluation Not Required
This category is required by the October 2010 revision of the Generic Environmental Classification Document for State Agencies. A notice is published here if the sponsoring agency, after publication of a scoping notice and consideration of comments received, has determined that an  Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) does not need to be prepared for the proposed project.


The following Post-Scoping Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

1. Post-Scoping Notice for the Marlborough Town Center Public Water System Phase II

Municipality where project will be located: Marlborough

CEPA Determination: On May 17, 2016, the Department of Public Health (DPH) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this project in the Environmental Monitor.

Based on the DPH’s environmental assessment of this project which includes commentsprovided by the DEEP dated June 17, 2016, it has been determined that the project does not require the preparation of an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) under CEPA.  The DPH will coordinate with the Town of Marlborough to ensure that the recommendations by the DEEP are implemented.

The agency's conclusion is documented in a Memorandum of Findings and Determination and Environmental Assessment Summary.

If you have questions about the project, you can contact the agency at:


Mr. Eric McPhee


Department of Public Health – Drinking Water Section


450 Capitol Avenue, MS #51WAT, P O Box 340308

Hartford, CT 06134-0308




2. Post-Scoping Notice for Reconstruction of Old Farms Road

Municipality where project will be located: Avon, Connecticut

CEPA Determination:  The Town's primary objective of the relocation of Old Farms Road was to provide an alignment south of the current location which will effect transportation improvements, and also serve economic development considerations consistent with the Town of Avon's approved Plan of Conservation and Development. On November 22, 2011 the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this project in the Environmental Monitor.  Comments were received from the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the Department of Public Health, and the Office of Policy and Management. These comments were forwarded to the Town of Avon at that time.  These comments were taken into consideration, and discussions with the Town of Avon and the Federal Highway Administration have taken place to improve on the project scope since the conclusion of the scoping process.     

Currently, however, there is no future State or Federal funding programmed for the design and/or construction phases of this proposal, and CTDOT is no longer involved in this project.  Since this is not a State project, no further documentation under CEPA is required.  Any future transportation improvements located in this area involving CTDOT action and/or funding will require an updated environmental analysis and potential scoping at that time.  CTDOT's conclusion, as stated above, can be found in the Memo of Findings and Determination

If you have questions about the project, you can contact the agency at:


Mr. Mark W. Alexander, Transportation Assistant Planning Director
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Bureau of Policy and Planning


2800 Berlin Turnpike
 Newington, CT 06131





After Scoping, an agency that wishes to undertake an action that could significantly affect the environment must produce, for public review and comment, a detailed written evaluation of the expected environmental impacts. This is called an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE).


The following EIE Notice has been submitted for review and comment.

1. Notice of EIE for Southbury Affordable-Elderly Housing Development

Municipality where project is proposed: Southbury

Address of Possible Project Location: 1230 South Britain Road (Southbury Training School [STS] land)

Project Description: The proposed action includes the disposition of the 45-acre state-owned parcel at STS to the Town of Southbury and the proposed development of senior housing, either at the STS parcel or elsewhere within the Town of Southbury. The Town intends to lease the parcel to Pierce Hollow Village, Inc (PHV), a non-profit organization, for the development of senior housing. The use of state funds has not directly caused the need for the EIE. Instead, the EIE has been triggered by the land transfer per SA 13-23.

Project Maps:  General LocationParcel Figure.

Comments on this EIE will be accepted until the close of business on: August 19, 2016

The public can view a copy of this EIE at: the Southbury Town Clerk's Office (501 Main Street, Southbury, CT); Southbury Public Library - Central (100 Poverty Rd., Southbury, CT). The EIE is available online by clicking here. (7.3 MB)

Send your comments about this EIE to:

Name: Jeff Bolton
Agency: DAS - Division of Construction Services
Address: 165 Capitol Ave, Room 483, Hartford, CT 06106

No public hearing is scheduled for this EIE.  A public hearing request must be made by twenty-five persons or an association having not less than twenty-five persons.  Such requests must be made by the close of business on and no later than July 15, 2016. 

If you have questions about requesting a public hearing, or where you can review this EIE, or similar matters, please contact:

Name: Jeff Bolton
Agency: DAS - Division of Construction Services
Address: 165 Capitol Ave, Room 483, Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-713-5706


Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 requires public notice of most proposed sales and transfers of state-owned lands. The public has an opportunity to comment on any such proposed transfer. Each notice includes an address where comments should be sent. Read more about the process.

No State Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

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