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Environmental Monitor

  October 20, 2015

  1.   Connecticut Airport Authority Installation of a Wildlife Deterrent Fence at Hartford – Brainard Airport
  2.   Connecticut Airport Authority Installation of a Wildlife Deterrent Fence at Groton - New London Airport
  3.   REVISED! The Hamlet on East Street South, Suffield

     No Post- Scoping Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

  1.   Old Lyme Coastal Wastewater Management Plan, Old Lyme
  2.   NEW! Norwich Department of Public Utilities Combined Sewer Overflow Long Term Control Plan
     No State Land Transfer has been submitted for publication in this edition.

The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on November 3, 2015.
Subscribe to e-alerts to receive an e-mail when the Environmental Monitor is published.

Notices in the Environmental Monitor are written by the sponsoring agencies and are published unedited. Questions about the content of any notice should be directed to the sponsoring agency.

Scoping Notices

"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated.

The following Scoping Notices have been submitted for review and comment.

1. Notice of Scoping for Connecticut Airport Authority (CAA) Installation of a Wildlife Deterrent Fence at Hartford - Brainard Airport

Municipalities where proposed project might be located:   Hartford

Address of Possible Project Location:  Hartford – Brainard Airport

Project Description:   The proposed undertaking involves preparation of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) documentation as required to evaluate the installation of a wildlife deterrent fence at the Hartford-Brainard Airport. The airport is a public-use, publically owned General Aviation airport located entirely in the City of Hartford, Connecticut and is owned and operated by the CAA.

The purpose of the project is to enclose the entire Airport with an 8 foot chain link fence with a 3 foot horizontal burrowing deterrent chain link “skirt” attached to the bottom and 3 strands of barbed wire on the top, in accordance with FAA specifications. The need for the proposed project is to protect aircraft and their passengers from hazardous conditions at the airport as a result of medium to large sized wildlife, including deer, coyote, raccoons and woodchuck, from entering the airport property. The airport is currently surrounded on the three landward sides by a wildlife fence.  The project would include inspection of and repairs to this fence, as well as installation of the additional fencing along portion of the airport abutting the Clark Dike and the Connecticut River. 

Because the project is partially funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), an Environmental Assessment (EA) shall be prepared pursuant to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and shall address all CEPA requirements.

Project Map: A project map is provided which shows the proposed action and alternatives.

Written comments from the public are welcome and will be accepted until the close of business on: October 22, 2015.   

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency (CAA) to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.  Such requests must be made by October 2, 2015.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:


Mr. Robert J. Bruno, Director of Planning, Engineering & Environmental


Connecticut Airport Authority


334 Ella Grasso Turnpike, Suite 160

Windsor Locks, CT 06096


(860) 254-5516


If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:


Mr. Robert J. Bruno, Director of Planning, Engineering & Environmental


Connecticut Airport Authority


334 Ella Grasso Turnpike, Suite 160

Windsor Locks, CT 06096


(860) 254-5516


The agency expects to release an environmental document for this project, for public review and comment, in early summer 2016.

2. Notice of Scoping for Connecticut Airport Authority (CAA) Installation of a Wildlife Deterrent Fence at Groton-New London Airport

Municipalities where proposed project might be located:   Groton

Address of Possible Project Location:  Groton-New London Airport

Project Description: The proposed undertaking involves preparation of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) documentation as required to evaluate the installation of a wildlife deterrent fence at the Groton-New London Airport. The airport is a public-use, publically owned General Aviation airport located in the Town of Groton, seven miles from New London, in New London County. The airport is owned and operated by the CAA.

The purpose of the project is to enclose the entire Airport with an 8 foot chain link fence with a 3 foot horizontal burrowing deterrent chain link “skirt” attached to the bottom and 3 strands of barbed wire on the top, in accordance with FAA specifications. The need for the proposed project is to protect aircraft and their passengers from hazardous conditions at the airport as a result of medium to large sized wildlife, including deer, coyote and woodchuck, entering the airport property. The airport is currently surrounded on three sides by a wildlife fence.  The project would include inspection of and repairs to this fence, as well as installation of the additional fencing along portion of the airport abutting the Poquonnock River. 

Because the project is partially funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), an Environmental Assessment (EA) shall be prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and shall address all CEPA requirements.

Project Map:  A project map is provided which shows the proposed action and alternatives.

Written comments from the public are welcome and will be accepted until the close of business on:   October 22, 2015.   

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency (CAA) to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.  Such requests must be made by October 2, 2015.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:


Mr. Robert J. Bruno, Director of Planning, Engineering & Environmental


Connecticut Airport Authority


334 Ella Grasso Turnpike, Suite 160

Windsor Locks, CT 06096


(860) 254-5516


If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:


Mr. Robert J. Bruno, Director of Planning, Engineering & Environmental


Connecticut Airport Authority


334 Ella Grasso Turnpike, Suite 160

Windsor Locks, CT 06096


(860) 254-5516


The agency expects to release an environmental document for this project, for public review and comment, in early summer 2016.

3. Revised Notice of Scoping for The Hamlet on East Street South

Municipality where proposed project might be located: Suffield

Address of Possible Project Location: 898 East Street South, Suffield, Connecticut

Project Description: Dakota Partners Inc. is seeking state financial assistance for Phase II of a housing development project at 898 East Street South, Suffield, CT. The overall proposed activity consists of 75 townhouses and 96 apartments for a total of 171 units on approximately 29.72 acres of land. Phase II activity consists of 9 one bedroom and 27 two bedroom apartment units located within three 12 unit buildings and 60 surface parking spaces on approximately 3.85 acres of vacant land. The overall proposed activity will also include a community building and a footpath which will connect the campus to the adjacent Stony Brook River to the north.

Project Maps:

Click here to view a Location Map of the project area.

Click here to view a Phasing Plan of the project area.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on Friday, November 20, 2015. Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below. If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting. Such requests must be made by Friday, October 30, 2015.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:


Helen Muniz


Department of Housing


505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106


860 270-8032


If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:


Helen Muniz


Department of Housing


505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106


860 270-8032


Post-Scoping Notices:   Environmental Impact Evaluation Not Required
 This category is required by the October 2010 revision of the Generic Environmental Classification Document for State Agencies. A notice is published here if the sponsoring agency, after publication of a scoping notice and consideration of comments received, has determined that an  Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) does not need to be prepared for the proposed project.

No Post-Scoping Notices have been submitted for publication in this edition.

After Scoping, an agency that wishes to undertake an action that could significantly affect the environment must produce, for public review and comment, a detailed written evaluation of the expected environmental impacts. This is called an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE).

The following EIE Notice has been submitted for review and comment.

1. Environmental Impact Evaluation for Old Lyme Coastal Wastewater Management Plan

Municipality where proposed project would be located: Old Lyme

Addresses of Possible Project Locations:  Shoreline communities located south of and along Route 156 between Miami Beach Association and Old Lyme Shores Beach Association, and the Route 156 corridor to East Lyme

Project Description: The Beach Associations of Old Lyme Shores, Old Colony Beach and Miami Beach have conducted independent engineering studies showing that the prevalent conditions in the project area such as the age and location of existing onsite wastewater treatment systems, high density of development, lack of adequate space and overall challenging subsurface conditions, such as shallow groundwater, have rendered the onsite wastewater treatment systems economically and technically unfeasible for long term wastewater renovation. 

A centralized gravity sewer system to be constructed by the three Beach Associations has been identified the most cost effective and technically feasible solution. Wastewater from the associations would be collected via gravity pipes and conveyed through one shared pump station and force main. It is currently envisioned that the centralized pump station would be located within Miami Beach Association. Wastewater from Old Colony Beach Association would be transported to the Miami Beach Association through an easement located within Sound View. The pipe traversing across Sound View would enable this community to tie-in, should Old Lyme join the Associations in the future. Wastewater would be conveyed along Route 156 to East Lyme and then through the existing collection systems of East Lyme and Waterford for final treatment at the New London Water Pollution Control Facility.

Project MapsClick here to view the areas to be sewered.  
                        Click here to view the proposed sewer system.
                        Click here to view the proposed conveyance system.

The EIE and additional information about the project can be viewed in person at:

       Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
       Bureau of Water Protection & Land Reuse (2nd floor)
       79 Elm Street
       Hartford, CT  06106

The public can view a copy of this EIE at:

      Old Lyme Town Clerk
      Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall
      52 Lyme Street
      Old Lyme, CT 06360

The EIE can also be found online at the DEEP website by clicking here.

Written comments on this EIE are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: November 20, 2015.

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Hearing on this EIE by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Hearing.  Such requests must be made by October 16, 2015.

Written comments about this EIE and/or requests for a Public Hearing should be sent to:

Name: Carlos Esguerra
Agency: Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Protection & Land Reuse
Address: 79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127 
Phone: 860-424-3756
Fax: 860-424-4067

If you have questions about a public hearing or this project, contact Mr. Esguerra, as directed above.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Any person with a disability who may need a communication aid or service may contact the agency's ADA Coordinator at 860-424-3194 or at  Any person with limited proficiency in English, who may need information in another language, may contact the agency's Title VI Coordinator at 860-424-3035 or at  ADA or Title VI discrimination complaints may be filed with DEEP’s EEO Manager at (860) 424-3035 or at

2. Environmental Impact Evaluation for Norwich Combined Sewer Overflow Control Plan

Municipality where proposed project would be located: Norwich

Project Location: The Greenville, Eastside, Thamesville, Laurel Hill and Downtown areas of Norwich

Project Description: Norwich is a combined sewer overflow (CSO) community, where both sanitary sewage and stormwater are carried in a single pipe.  During rainfall events of sufficient intensity and duration, the capacity of the collection system is overwhelmed and excess flows discharge to nearby rivers via built-in overflows in the collection system.  The overflows were designed to prevent the combined sewer flows from backing up into basements and surcharging onto the streets. 

The collection system will undergo a separation which will involve the construction of a new sewer parallel to the existing combined sewer, thereby segregating the sources.  After completion of a separation, one dedicated stormwater sewer will transport runoff directly to the local receiving waters, while the other sewer will be dedicated to carrying wastewater to the wastewater treatment plant for treatment prior to discharge into the river.

The CSO Long Term Control Plan recommends complete separation of all remaining combined sewer areas in Norwich, with the separation projects to be implemented in a phased approach, over a 20 year period.  The highest priority areas would be done first, with the option to reevaluate the final phase of separation as the project progresses, based on environmental improvements, changes in regulations and new technological solutions that may emerge.  Such adjustments to this plan that could occur during the implementation period and that are within the scope of the current project may not require an additional EIE. 

The proposed sewer separation project will be conducted according to a “Five-Phase Implementation Plan.”  The separation plan is structured to give the highest environmental benefits at the beginning of the program.  At the end of the first phase, in year 4 of the “Five-Phase Implementation Plan,” the Greenville area separation will be completed, which is projected to eliminate half of the CSO discharge volume.  At the end of the third phase, in year 8, over 98% of the CSO discharge volume will be eliminated.  In year 15 of the program, after the first four separation phases are completed, over 99% of the CSO discharge volume (on an annual basis for the typical year) will be removed.

As the separation projects proceed, opportunities to provide an enhanced environmental outcome with the strategic placement of green infrastructure will be considered.  It should be noted, however, that the great majority of project areas where separation work will be done are underlain by bedrock ledge and other geologic formations that generally are not conducive to the application of green infrastructure technologies.

Project MapsClick here to view a table outlining the Five-Phase Implementation Plan
                       Click here to view a figure depicting the Five-Phase Implementation Plan

The EIE and additional information about the project can be viewed in person at:

       Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
       Bureau of Water Protection & Land Reuse (2nd floor)
       79 Elm Street
       Hartford, CT  06106

The public can view a copy of this EIE at:

      Norwich City Clerk
      100 Broadway 
      Norwich, CT 06360

The EIE can also be found online at the DEEP website by clicking here.

Written comments on this EIE are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: December 4, 2015

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Hearing on this EIE by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Hearing.  Such requests must be made by October 30, 2015.

Written comments about this EIE and/or requests for a Public Hearing should be sent to:

Name:  Stela Marusin
 Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
 Bureau of Water Protection & Land Reuse
 79 Elm Street
 Hartford, CT 06106-5127 
Phone:  860-424-3742
Fax:  860-424-4067

If you have questions about a public hearing or questions about this project, contact Ms. Marusin, as directed above.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Any person with a disability who may need a communication aid or service may contact the agency's ADA Coordinator at 860-424-3194 or at  Any person with limited proficiency in English, who may need information in another language, may contact the agency's Title VI Coordinator at 860-424-3035 or at  ADA or Title VI discrimination complaints may be filed with DEEP’s EEO Manager at (860) 424-3035 or at

Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 requires public notice of most proposed sales and transfers of state-owned lands. The public has an opportunity to comment on any such proposed transfer. Each notice includes an address where comments should be sent. Read more about the process.

No State Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

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