The Council on Environmental Quality is continuing to carry out its mission while keeping both the public and our workforce safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. All submissions to the Council should be sent electronically to:

Environmental Monitor
April 21, 2015 
  1.   Seaview Avenue Corridor Improvements, Bridgeport
  2.   NEW! Springborn Dam Removal, Enfield
  1.   REVISED Hawleyville Low Pressure Sewer Extension, Newtown
  2.   NEW! Rehabilitation of the Pucker St. Bridge, Coventry and Columbia 
     No Environmental Impact Evaluation has been submitted for publication in this edition.
      No State Land Transfer has been submitted for publication in this edition.

 The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on May 5, 2015.
Subscribe to e-alerts to receive an e-mail when the Environmental Monitor is published.

Notices in the Environmental Monitor are written by the sponsoring agencies and are published unedited. Questions about the content of any notice should be directed to the sponsoring agency.

Scoping Notices

"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated.

The following Scoping Notices have been submitted for review and comment.

1. Notice of Scoping for Seaview Avenue Corridor Improvements

Municipality where proposed project might be located: Bridgeport, Connecticut

Project Location: Along Seaview Avenue beginning at Barnum Avenue and extending approximately 2,500 feet north to Boston Avenue (US Route 1), then continuing northerly along a new alignment just west of, and parallel to Bond Street from Boston Avenue approximately 2,250 feet north to Stewart Street, and then extending approximately 600 feet to the west from Stewart Street.   

Project Description: The City of Bridgeport, with technical and financial assistance from the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), proposes reconstruction, streetscape enhancements, and a new transportation corridor centered upon Seaview Avenue in Bridgeport. The project will reconstruct and provide streetscape enhancements on Seaview Avenue and construct a new arterial roadway which will provide access to the planned Lake Success Business Park (LSBP), as well as the new Harding High School which is to be located at 379 Bond Street and is scheduled to open in Fall 2017.   

Improvements on Seaview Avenue from Barnum Avenue to US Route 1 are anticipated to include pavement rehabilitation, replacement and upgrade of traffic signal equipment, new sidewalks, streetscape enhancements, transit service features, and relocation of above ground utilities to below grade.  The intersection at US Route 1 will be realigned to accommodate a "normalized" four-way intersection with Seaview Avenue and Bond Street, thus eliminating the current offset alignment of the north/south legs.  The new proposed arterial roadway is adjacent to the existing Bond Street alignment north of US Route 1 to the intersection with Stewart Street, and would continue westerly from the present Stewart Street alignment to provide access to the proposed LSBP.  Based on the final preliminary engineering determination of the most suitable access point for the proposed LSBP, a new structure may also be proposed spanning the Yellow Mill Channel.     

Project Maps:  Click here to view a location map and an aerial view of the project area.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  Friday May 7, 2015

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.  Such requests must be made by Thursday April 17, 2015.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Mr. Mark W. Alexander, Transportation Assistant Planning Director
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Bureau of Policy and Planning
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike
Newington, CT 06131
Fax: 860-594-3028

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Mr. Jonathan M. Dean, Project Engineer
Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation
Bureau of Engineering and Construction
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike
Newington, CT 06131
Phone: 860-594-3211

2. Notice of Scoping for Springborn Dam Removal

Municipality where proposed project is located: Enfield

Address of Project Location: Dam is on Scantic River in Scitico section of Enfield, adjacent to 504 Hazard Avenue

Project Description: NOTE: This project was the subject of a Scoping Notice in April 2014.  It is being noticed again because the project now includes demolition of the mill buildings.

The Springborn dam, owned by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, is located on the Scantic River in Enfield.  It is a run-of-river dam built in 1890 to provide power for an adjacent mill.  The structure has deteriorated over time and is considered to be in very poor condition.  The dam currently consists of the failed remains of timber crib over stone masonry.

It is the goal of the Department to remove the dam in order to eliminate a public safety risk and reconnect habitat by restoring a stretch of free-flowing river.  Contaminated sediments in the impoundment will be identified and excavated prior to dam removal.

In order to facilitate the dam removal, the Department is also proposing to remove the adjacent former mill buildings, which are currently unoccupied and deteriorating.

Project objectives include:

·        Eliminate a public safety risk

·        Eliminate a migratory barrier to diadromous fish and eastern brook trout

·        Promote the restoration of runs of American shad, river herring, sea lamprey, and American eel

·        Remove contaminated sediment from the river to eliminate exposure hazard to recreationalists and downstream residents (in the event of dam failure) and strengthen the long-term resiliency of the aquatic organisms

·       Restore natural riverine functions (e.g. sediment transport, restoration of floodplain functions and values, maintenance of normal thermal regimes, re-establishment of natural riverine vegetative communities)

Project MapsClick here to view a map of the project location.
                       Click here to view an aerial photograph of the dam and buildings.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  May 22, 2015.

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection will schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.  Such requests must be made by May 1, 2015. 

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: Jennifer L. Perry, P.E.
Agency: Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Protection & Land Reuse
Address: 79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Phone: 860-424-3802
Fax: 860-424-4075

If you have questions about a public meeting, or other questions about the project or scoping, contact Ms. Perry as directed above.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Any person with a disability who may need a communication aid or service may contact the agency's ADA Coordinator at 860-424-3194 or at  Any person with limited proficiency in English, who may need information in another language, may contact the agency's Title VI Coordinator at 860-424-3035 or at  ADA or Title VI discrimination complaints may be filed with DEEP’s EEO Manager at (860) 424-3035 or at

Post-Scoping Notices:   Environmental Impact Evaluation Not Required
This category is required by the October 2010 revision of the Generic Environmental Classification Document for State Agencies. A notice is published here if the sponsoring agency, after publication of a scoping notice and consideration of comments received, has determined that an  Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) does not need to be prepared for the proposed project.

The following Post-Scoping Notices have been submitted for publication in this edition.

1. Post-Scoping Notice for Hawleyville Low-Pressure Sewer Extension

Municipality where project will be located: Newtown

CEPA Determination:  On February 3, 2015, the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) published a Notice of Scopingto solicit public comments for this project in the Environmental Monitor.  Comments were received from the Department of Public Health (DPH) Source Assessment & Protection Unit  and the DPH Private Well Program. DEEP will include a condition in the STEAP funding agreement requiring Newtown to incorporate design and construction measures aimed at meeting DPH requirements. Based on DEEP's environmental assessment of the project and the comments provided, DEEP has concluded that the project does not require the preparation of Environmental Impact Evaluation under CEPA.

The agency's conclusion is documented in a Memorandum of Findings and Determination and an Environmental Assessment Summary.

If you have questions about the project, you can contact the agency at:

Name:  Carlos Esguerra
 Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
 Bureau of Water Protection & Land Reuse
 79 Elm Street
 Hartford, CT 06106-5127 
Phone:  860-424-3756
Fax:  860-424-4067

What happens next:  DEEP expects the project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Please contact us at (860) 418-5910 or if you: have a disability and need a communication aid or service; have limited proficiency in English and may need information in another language; or if you wish to file an ADA or Title VI discrimination complaint.

2. Post-Scoping Notice for the  Rehabilitation of the Pucker Street Bridge over the Hop River

Municipalities where project will be located: Coventry & Columbia

CEPA Determination:  On June 19, 2012 the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this project in the Environmental Monitor.  OPM was originally requested to administer this project as a Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP) grant and began the scoping process.  However, this project is now being administered by the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), so all CEPA compliance and the responsibility for the post scoping notice transferred to CTDOT. Comments were received by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection  and the Connecticut Department of Public Health.   CTDOT has taken all comments received into consideration and has concluded that the project does not require the preparation of Environmental Impact Evaluation under CEPA.

The agency's conclusion is documented in a Memo of Findings and Determination and Environmental Assessment Checklist.

If you have questions about the project, you can contact the agency at:


Mr. Mark W. Alexander, Transportation Assistant Planning Director
Connecticut Department of Transportation
Bureau of Policy and Planning
2800 Berlin Turnpike Newington, CT 06131






What happens next: The Connecticut Department of Transportation expects the project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.

 After Scoping, an agency that wishes to undertake an action that could significantly affect the environment must produce, for public review and comment, a detailed written evaluation of the expected environmental impacts. This is called an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE).

No Environmental Impact Evaluation has been submitted for publication in this edition.

Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 requires public notice of most proposed sales and transfers of state-owned lands. The public has an opportunity to comment on any such proposed transfer. Each notice includes an address where comments should be sent. Read more about the process.

No State Land Transfer Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

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