The Council on Environmental Quality is continuing to carry out its mission while keeping both the public and our workforce safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. All submissions to the Council should be sent electronically to:

Environmental Monitor
November 5, 2013 
  1.     Francis J. Clarke Industrial Park - Revised, Bethel.
  2.     NEW!Reconstruction of Atlantic Street and MNRR Bridge Replacement, Stamford         
  1.     Former Connecticut Bus Transit Facility, New Haven.
    No Environmental Impact Evaluation has been submitted for publication in this edition.
  1.     Former Cedarcrest Hospital, Newington - Recommendation of the Commissioner of Energy & Environmental Protection.

The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on  November 19, 2013.
Subscribe to e-alerts to receive an e-mail when the Environmental Monitor is published.

Scoping Notices

"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated.

The following Scoping Notices have been submitted for review and comment.

1. Revised Notice of Scoping for the Francis J. Clarke Industrial Park Expansion

Municipality where proposed project might be located: Bethel

Address of Possible Project Location: Trowbridge Drive, Bethel, CT

Project Description: On August 6, 2013 the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) published a Scoping Notice on the CEQ Environmental Monitor to determine CEPA obligations for the proposed Francis J. Clarke Industrial Park Expansion project in Bethel, CT.  Based on the comments received during the Scoping Period the Town Of Bethel decided to reduce the size of the proposed industrial park expansion. Since the overall scope of the project has changed DECD decided to publish a revised Scoping Notice to seek state agencies and public comments regarding the proposed project.

The Town of Bethel is seeking state financial assistance for the expansion of the existing Francis J. Clarke Industrial Park by extending an existing roadway (Trowbridge Drive) southerly in order to add approximately 10 acres of town-owned land which could result in the creation of up to 5 additional lots. The additional lots would be located on land in an area designated as a Priority Funding Area and a Balanced Priority Funding Area on the 2013-2018 State of Connecticut Conservation and Development (C&D) Locational Guide Map. The proposed activities include roadway and utility extension and other associated project costs.

Project Map: Click here to view a location map of the project area.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  November 8, 2013

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.  Such requests must be made by October 18, 2013.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: Mark Hood
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Fax: 860-270-8157

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Mark Hood
Agency: Department of Economic and Community Development
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-270-8089
Fax: 860-270-8157

2. Notice of Scoping for the Reconstruction of Atlantic Street, and Metro North Railroad (MNRR) Bridge Replacement

Municipality where proposed project might be located: Stamford, CT

Address of Possible Project Location: Atlantic Street, Stamford, CT

Project Description: Atlantic Street is currently an undivided road with one lane of traffic in each direction under the MNRR Bridge.  Sidewalks approximately 8 feet wide are provided on both sides of the road and are separated from the roadway by the bridge piers.  Atlantic Street widens just north of its intersection with South State Street and the I-95 Northbound Exit 8 ramp to five total lanes, three southbound and two northbound.  With the recent construction of the Stamford Urban Transitway (SUT), Atlantic Street widens just south of the MNRR Bridge to six total lanes, four southbound and two northbound.

The Atlantic Street underpass, located approximately 900 feet east of the Stamford Transportation Center, was originally constructed in 1896 and consists of riveted steel thru-girders supported by brownstone masonry abutments and steel pier bents. The bridge presently carries five MNRR tracks over Atlantic Street.  The bridge serves as a gateway between the Stamford Central Business District (CBD) and areas south of the rail corridor.  The underpass is adjacent to Station Place, which is the main access to the station and the location of the main parking garage.  Atlantic Street therefore provides significant access between I-95, the station, the CBD and to south Stamford.  This structure is classified as functionally obsolete due to the narrow underpass width as well as the existing minimum vertical clearance of 12’-4” which restricts the use of Atlantic Street by larger vehicles, including those operated by emergency service providers.  As is typical for structures of its age, the bridge’s structural components have deteriorated and require regular maintenance to ensure its operational sufficiency.

The purpose of this project is to improve the horizontal and vertical geometry for Atlantic Street at the bridge, to increase the roadway capacity by providing additional travel lanes on Atlantic Street, and to improve pedestrian circulation in the vicinity of the Transportation Center to the extent possible.  It was also determined that the project should include provisions for an additional track for the railroad, as well as a platform to service this track.  The resulting layout accommodates these needs.

The new bridge will consist of concrete-encased steel girders supported by new concrete abutments with a new center pier.  The proposed increases in overall span length and cross-sectional width of the new structure will require the reconstruction of the existing railroad retaining walls along South State Street.  Concrete form liners or other means will be used to recreate the aesthetic elements of the existing structures.  At the request of the City of Stamford, the brownstone which comprises the existing bridge abutments and portions of the retaining walls will be salvaged and turned over to the City for reuse.

The proposed roadway cross-section of Atlantic Street under MNRR as coordinated between the Department and the City of Stamford will consist of three 11-foot lanes in each direction with 2-foot outside shoulders.  A right-turn only lane will be provided in the northbound direction onto South State Street.  An approximately 6-foot wide median will be provided to accommodate the bridge pier which will divide each direction of traffic on Atlantic Street.  An 8-foot wide sidewalk will be provided on both sides of Atlantic Street.

The proposed vertical alignment on Atlantic Street will accommodate the required depth of the bridge structure and provide a 14.5’ minimum vertical clearance, which meets functional standards.  This alignment will require the lowering of Atlantic Street by approximately 3.7 feet at the maximum.  The limits of the proposed roadway reconstruction and lowering are between North State Street and Dock Street/SUT.  Extensive utility relocations and modifications are required in order to accommodate the revised bridge structure and the changed profile of Atlantic Street.

The lowering of Atlantic Street will also impact the intersections of Atlantic Street and the I-95 NB Exit 8 ramp, and Atlantic Street and Manhattan Street.

Because the existing Exit 8 ramp is already quite steep, it cannot remain in its current configuration with the proposed lowering of Atlantic Street.  As a result, it is proposed to construct a new bridge to carry the ramp over Atlantic Street and establish a new touchdown on South State Street between the Atlantic Street and Canal Street intersections.  A new signalized intersection will be created at the touchdown.

Manhattan Street will be lowered at the Atlantic Street intersection and then rise to meet the existing grade at a point approximately 100 feet from Atlantic Street.  This will require some regrading of Manhattan Street and its sidewalks, but there no private property impacts are anticipated as resulting from this work.

Project Maps:  Click here to view maps of the project area.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  Friday, December 6, 2013

There will be a Public Scoping Meeting for this project at:

DATE: Tuesday, November 19, 2013

TIME: 7:00 PM

PLACE: Government Center (4th Floor-Cafeteria), 888 Washington Boulevard, Stamford, CT

NOTES: The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities.  Deaf and hearing impaired persons and those with limited english proficiency wishing to attend this meeting and requiring an interpreter may make arrangements by contacting the Department's Office of Communication at 860-594-3062 (voice only) at least five days prior to the meeting.

Written comments should be sent to:

Name: Mr. Scott A. Hill, Manager of Bridges and Facilities
Agency: State of Connecticut Department of Transportation
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Mr. Robert P. Brown
Agency: State of Connecticut Department of Transportation
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington, CT 06131
Phone: 860-594-3207

Post-Scoping Notices:   Environmental Impact Evaluation Not Required
This category is required by the October 2010 revision of the Generic Environmental Classification Document for State Agencies. A notice is published here if the sponsoring agency, after publication of a scoping notice and consideration of comments received, has determined that an  Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) does not need to be prepared for the proposed project.

The following Post-Scoping Notice has been submitted for publication in this edition.

1. Post-Scoping Notice for the Former Connecticut Transit Bus Facility

Municipality where project will be located: New Haven

CEPA Determination:  On August 20, 2013 the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) published a Notice of Scoping to solicit public comments for this project in the Environmental Monitor.  The DECD has taken those comments into consideration and has concluded that the project does not require the preparation of Environmental Impact Evaluation under CEPA. The issues/concerns raised are explained in the Environmental Assessment Checklist. The agency's conclusion is documented in a Memo of Findings and Determination.

If you have questions about the project, you can contact the agency at:


Mark Hood


Department of Economic and Community Development


505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06106






What happens next: The DECD expects the project to go forward. This is expected to be the final notice of the project to be published in the Environmental Monitor.

EIE Notices
After Scoping, an agency that wishes to undertake an action that could significantly affect the environment must produce, for public review and comment, a detailed written evaluation of the expected environmental impacts. This is called an Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE).

No EIE has been submitted for publication in this edition.

Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 requires public notice of most proposed sales and transfers of state-owned lands. The public has an opportunity to comment on any such proposed transfer. Each notice includes an address where comments should be sent. Read more about the five-step process.

1. Recommendation of the Commissioner of Energy & Environmental Protection Regarding a Proposed State Land Transfer in Newington (Step III)

Address of Property : 525 Russell Road, Newington

Commonly used name of property or other identifying information: former Cedarcrest Hospital

Number of acres to be transferred: 88.5 acres

Click to view map of property location

Previous editions of the Environmental Monitor have included notices pertaining to this proposed transfer: 

Click here to view the original notice of intent to transfer the property (Step I).

The Department of Energy & Environmental Protection recommends protection of identified natural resources located on a portion of the subject property.  Click here to read that recommendation and information concerning the environmental resources considered in this recommendation.

Comments from the public are welcome in this process.  Comments may include information about significant natural resources or recreation resources on the property, as well as recommendations for means to preserve such resources. Comments must be received by the close of business on:  November 22, 2013

Written comments* should be sent to:

Name :

David Fox

Agency :

Department of Energy & Environmental Protection

Office of Envrionmental Review

Address :

79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Telephone: 860-424-4111

E-Mail :

*E-Mail submissions are preferred. 


  • The Commissioner of Energy & Environmental Protection will respond to any comments received concerning this parcel in a Step IV Notice in a future edition of the Environmental Monitor.
  • If no comments are received concerning this parcel, the Department will consider that all public notice requirements of CGS section 4b-47 have been satisfied.
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Please contact us at (860) 418-5910 or if you: have a disability and need a communication aid or service; have limited proficiency in English and may need information in another language; or if you wish to file an ADA or Title VI discrimination complaint.
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