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train passing wetlands

The official site for project information under
the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act
and for notices of proposed transfers of state land.

July 5, 2011
    1. NEW! Harbor Brook Flood Control Project, Meriden
   2. University of Connecticut Action for Additional Water Supply Sources, Mansfield, Tolland and Coventry
   3. Deep River WTP Transmission Main Replacement, Lebanon and Bozrah
   4. New London Rd. (Route 1) Water Main Extension, Groton
   No Post-Scoping Notices have been submitted for publication in this edition
Environmental Impact Evaluations
   No Environmental Impact Evaluations have been submitted for publication in this edition.
    1. Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) proposed Environmental Classification Document
    STEP I - Notices of Intent to Transfer Property. 
   1. NEW! High Meadows Residential Treatment Facility, Hamden

   STEP II - Public comments regarding proposed transfers that were posted previously in the Environmental Monitor, and the Office of Policy and Management's (OPM's) responses to those comments. None in this edition


   STEP III - Draft recommendations of the Commissioner of Environmental Protection regarding preservation of properties proposed for transfer.   None in this edition  


   STEP IV - Final recommendations of the Commissioner of Environmental Protection regarding disposition of properties proposed for transfer, along with comments and responses from Step III.  None in this edition


   STEP V - Final determinations by the Secretary of OPM regarding the ultimate disposition of properties proposed for transfer.  None in this edition


The next edition of the Environmental Monitor will be published on July 19, 2011.
Subscribe to e-alerts to receive an e-mail when The Environmental Monitor is published.

"Scoping" is for projects in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated.
The following Scoping Notices have been submitted for review and comment in this edition.

1. Notice of Scoping for Harbor Brook Flood Control Project

Municipality where proposed project would be located: Meriden

Project Description: This flood control project involves a package of channel improvements, bridge replacements, floodwater storage enhancements, wetlands enhancements and the construction of a linear recreational trail along the Harbor Brook corridor from Baldwin’s Pond downstream to the confluence of Harbor Brook and the Quinnipiac River at Hanover Pond.

Project Maps:  Click here to view a map of the Harbor Brook watershed. Click here to view a map of the Harbor Brook project corridor.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  August 15, 2011

There will be a Public Scoping Meeting for this project at:

DATEMonday, August 8, 2011

TIME:7:00 PM (public displays of project area and elements will be available for viewing beginning at 6:30 PM)

PLACE: City Council Chamber, Meriden City Hall, 142 East Main Street, Meriden

Written comments should be sent to:

Name: Dan Biron, Project Manager
Agency: Department of Energy & Enviromental Protection
Inland Water Resources Division
Address: 79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-424-3892
Fax: 860-424-4075

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact Mr. Biron as directed above.

The Department of Environmental Protection is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and service provider.  In conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, DEP makes every effort to provide equally effective services for persons with disabilities.  Individuals with disabilities who need this information in an alternative format, to allow them to benefit and/or participate in the agency’s programs and services, should call 860-424-3035 or e-mail the ADA Coordinator, at DEP.aaoffice@CT.Gov. Persons who are hearing impaired should call the State of Connecticut relay number 711. Requests for accommodations must be made at least two weeks prior to the program date.

The agency expects to release an Environmental Impact Evaluation for this project, for public review and comment, in December 2011.

2. Notice of Scoping for University of Connecticut Action for Additional Water Supply Source(s)

Municipalities where proposed project might be located: Mansfield, Tolland, Coventry

Addresses of Possible Project Locations:

The preferred project location(s) will be selected from a range of options that include:

·         Interconnecting with a nearby reservoir-based water system northeast of the Main Campus in Storrs, CT. Such an interconnection would involve a new pipeline that would generally run southerly along Route 195 from the intersection of Baxter Street/Anthony Road and Route 195 in Tolland, CT, through the northeast corner of Coventry, CT, to the nearest feasible point to interconnect with the existing University of Connecticut (UConn) water supply system in Storrs, CT. Alternative local roads could also be considered for portions of the pipeline route.

·         Interconnecting with a nearby reservoir-based water system southwest of the Main Campus in Storrs, CT. Such a interconnection would involve a new pipeline which would generally run northerly along Route 195 from the intersection of Conantville Road and Route 195 in southern Mansfield, CT to the nearest feasible point to interconnect with the existing UConn water supply system in Storrs, CT. Alternative local roads could also be considered for portions of the pipeline route.

·         Developing new groundwater source or sources in the stratified drift aquifers along the Fenton River, Willimantic River, or Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, and conveying the water from the new source(s) via pipeline to the nearest feasible point to interconnect with the existing UConn water supply system in Storrs, CT.

Project Description:

The University of Connecticut in direct partnership with the Town of Mansfield proposes actions that will identify and implement a long-term source of at least 0.5 - 1 million gallons per day of water for the University of Connecticut’s public water supply system. The project comprises the possible creation of new wellfields and the possible installation of new water mains to provide additional water to the University’s public water supply system in and around Storrs, which currently also provides service to several Town of Mansfield facilities.

The proposed action would enable growth of the University and surrounding area consistent with prior the University Water Supply Plan, University Master Plans and associated Environmental Impact Evaluations, particularly for the proposed University Technology Park to be developed on the University’s North Campus. The proposed action would improve the University water supply’s margin of safety and supplement the available water during times of drier years when the existing supply is limited in response to aquatic and environmental concerns. This additional source of water supply would also enable economic development as delineated in the Town Plan of Conservation and Development, particularly as envisioned for the Mansfield Four Corners and Storrs Center areas.

The alternatives for obtaining an additional water supply source for the University’s public water supply system include:

1)   Connecting with a nearby reservoir-based water system to the northeast of the main campus by extending a transmission main south from Tolland along the Route 195 corridor or alternative local roads;

2)   Connecting with a nearby reservoir-based water system to the southwest of the main campus by extending a transmission main north from southern Mansfield along the Route 195 corridor or alternative route(s) via local roads; and

3)  Installing and connecting to a new groundwater source or sources in the stratified drift aquifers along the Fenton River, Willimantic River, or Mansfield Hollow Reservoir. The new groundwater source(s) would preferably be installed on lands in Mansfield, CT currently owned by the University, Town of Mansfield, or the Army Corps of Engineers.

Project Map(s)Click here to view a map of the project area.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  July 7, 2011

There will be a Public Scoping Meeting for this project at:

DATE: June 28, 2011

TIME: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

PLACE: University of Connecticut, Student Union, Room 104, 2110 Hillside Road, Storrs, CT

NOTES: Evening parking is available at no charge across Hillside Road in the Field House lot.

Written comments should be sent to:

Name: Jason Coite
Agency: University of Connecticut - Office of Environmental Policy
Address: 31 LeDoyt Road, U-3055
Storrs, CT
Fax: 860-486-5477

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Jason Coite
Agency: University of Connecticut - Office of Environmental Policy
Address: 31 LeDoyt Road, U-3055
Phone: 860-486-9305
Fax: 860-486-5477

The agency expects to release an Environmental Impact Evaluation for this project, for public review and comment, in January 2012.

3. Notice of Scoping for Deep River Water Treatment Plant Transmission Main Replacement, Meter & Microturbine

Municipalities where proposed project might be located: Lebanon & Bozrah

Addresses of Possible Project Locations: In and around the Deep River WTP at Reservoir Road, Lebanon and Fitchville Road, Bozrah

Project Description:  Norwich Public Utilities proposes to replace approximately 3,500 linear feet of the 30-inch diameter cast iron cross country transmission main with 30-inch cement lined ductile iron main, install a new water meter to estimate unaccounted for water along approximately 6.6 m miles of the transmission main, and generate clean energy with the installation of an in-line microturbine that will take the place of an existing pressure reducing valve.  An evaluation of transmission main routes for new main and rehabilitation methods for the existing main will be made prior to proceeding with final design of this portion of the project. 

Project Map(s):  Click here to view maps of the project area

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  Friday, July 8, 2011.

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the agency address below by June 17, 2011.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.

Additional information about this project can be viewed in person at Norwich Public Utilities, 16 South Golden Street, Norwich, Connecticut

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:


Mr. Cameron Walden


Department of Public Health – Drinking Water Section


450 Capitol Avenue, MS #51WAT, PO Box 340308

Hartford, CT 06134-0308


If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:


Mr. Cameron Walden


Department of Public Health – Drinking Water Section


450 Capitol Avenue, MS #51WAT, PO Box 340308

Hartford, CT 06134-0308




4. Notice of Scoping For New London Road (Route 1), 12” Water Main Extension, Noank/Ledyard Rd to Judson Ave, Construction Design

Municipality where proposed project might be located: Town of Groton

Addresses of Possible Project Location:The project is scheduled to proceedeasterly along Route 1 from Noank/Ledyard Road to Judson Avenue.

Project Description:  The project consists of installation of approximately 2,600 lineal feet of 12-inch ductile iron water main piping extending easterly along Route 1 from Noank/Ledyard Road to Judson Avenue. The project includes hydrant installations, water main reconnections, and installation of an additional 1,000 gpm pump to increase pumping capacity at the Fort Hill Booster Pumping Station.

Project Map:  Click here to view map of the project area

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  Friday, July 8, 2011.

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the agency address below by June 17, 2011.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.

Additional information about this project can be viewed in person at Groton Utilities, 1240 Poquonnock Road, Groton, Ct 06340 (Bruce A. Kruszewski).

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:


Mr. Cameron Walden


Department of Public Health – Drinking Water Section


450 Capitol Avenue, MS #51WAT, PO Box 340308

Hartford, CT 06134-0308


If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:


Mr. Cameron Walden


Department of Public Health – Drinking Water Section


450 Capitol Avenue, MS #51WAT, PO Box 340308

Hartford, CT 06134-0308




Post-Scoping Notices: Environmental Impact Evaluation Not Required

This category is required by the October 2010 revision of the Generic Environmental Classification Document for State Agencies. A notice is published here if the sponsoring agency, after publication of a scoping notice and consideration of comments received, has determined that an 
Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) does not need to be prepared for the proposed project.
No Post-Scoping Notice has been submitted for this edition.

No Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE) has been submitted for review and comment in this edition.

This category includes 1) notices of proposed Environmental Classification Documents (ECD) for public review and comment before they are approved for use by state agencies, and 2) notices of their approval. Environmental Classification Documents are used by state agencies to determine whether a specific state action requires evaluation under the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act.
The following proposed ECD is submitted for review and comment in this edition.

1. Department of Economic and Community Development
The Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is publishing its proposed agency-specific Environmental Classification Document (ECD) and making it available for public and agency review and comment.Proposed DECD ECD

Comments on this ECD will be accepted until the close of business (5:00 pm) on July 22, 2011.


Send comments to:

Name:      Mr. Peter S. Simmons, P.E., Executive Director,

              Office of Responsible Development

Agency:   Department of Economic and Community Development

Address:  505 Hudson Street, 2nd floor, Hartford, CT 06106-7106


Phone:    (860) 270-8149

Connecticut General Statutes Section 4b-47 provides for public notice of proposed transfers of state-owned lands out of state ownership. The notice process takes place in steps. Step I is the notice of intent to transfer, which includes an opportunity for any person to comment. If comments are received, the Office of Policy and Management (OPM) will respond, and the comments and responses will be published as Step II.

The Commissioner of Environmental Protection may choose to evaluate the property more thoroughly and recommend preservation of the property or restrictions on the transfer. Step III is publication of the Commissioner's report and draft recommendations, and includes a 30-day public comment period. Step IV is publication of the Commissioner’s responses to any public comments along with the Commissioner's final recommendations regarding the property.

Step V is publication of OPM’s final determination regarding disposition of the property. Fifteen days after this posting the transfer may proceed.

IMPORTANT:  Most proposed transfers are not required to go through all five steps.The land may be sold or transferred 15 days after the close of the comment period of Step I if no comments are received.If comments are received, and the DEP does not elect to conduct and publish a more thorough study of the property, the land may be sold or transferred 15 days after publication of the comments and responses under Step II. (Note, however, that some sales of surplus properties also require the approval of two committees of the General Assembly.)

The Office of Policy and Management (OPM) maintains a list of properties that have been through the public comment phases that includes links to comments received and OPM's responses.

The following Step I Notice is submitted for publication in this edition.

1. Notice of Proposed Land Transfer, Hamden

Complete Address of Property: 825 Hartford Turnpike, Hamden

Commonly used name of property or other identifying information: High Meadows Residential Treatment Facility

Number of acres to be transferred: 50 acres

Click to view map of property location

Description of Property

Below is some general information about the property.  It should not be considered a complete description of the property and should not be relied upon for making decisions.  If only a portion of a property is proposed for transfer, the description pertains only to the portion being transferred.

Brief Description of Historical and Current Uses: Previously run by the Depatrment of Children and Families as a residential treatment facility for brief residential care and emergency diagnostic care for emotionally and behaviorally disordered youth. Ages 10-18.

The property to be transferred contains the following:
Buildings in use
Buildings not in use
Wooded land

 Nonagricultural fields

 Active agriculture
 Paved areas
 Ponds, streams or other water

Water Supply:   Public water supply   On-site well    Unknown
Waste Disposal:    Served by sewers    On-site septic system    Unknown

Click to view aerial view of property

The Locational Guide Map of the Connecticut Conservation and Development Policies Plan for Connecticut identifies the property as being in the following category(ies):
Regional Center
Neighborhood Conservation Area
Growth Area
 Rural Community Center
 Rural Area
 Conservation Area
 Preservation Area
 Existing Preserved Open Space

The property is in the following municipal zone(s):

Not zoned
 Not known

Special features of the property, if known
: N/A

Value of property, if known:
If checked, value is not known.
Type of Sale or Transfer:

Sale or transfer of property in fee

Sale or transfer of partial interest in the property (such as an easement).  Description of interest:

Proposed recipient, if known: Unknown

Proposed use by property recipient, if known: Unknown

The agency is proposing to transfer the property with the following restrictions on future uses:
If checked, the state is not currently proposing restrictions on future uses.

Reason the State of Connecticut is proposing to transfer this property: The State has deemed the property surplus, since the property is no longer needed for State use and no re-use proposals were received by other State agencies.

Comments from the public are welcome and will be accepted until the close of business on August 4, 2011.

Comments may include (but are not limited to) information you might have about significant natural resources or recreation resources on the property, as well as your recommendations for means to preserve such resources.

Written comments* should be sent to


Patrick O'Brien


Office of Policy and Management


450 Capitol Avenue MS#52 ASP
Hartford, CT 06106-1379


*E-Mail submissions are preferred. 

(Comments from state agencies must be on agency letterhead and signed by agency head.  Scanned copies are preferred.)

Please send a copy of any written comments to:


Shane P. Mallory, RPA


Department of Administrative Services


165 Capitol Avenue, G-1

Hartford, CT 06106


What Happens Next?

To find out if this proposed transfer is the subject of further notices, check future editions of the Environmental Monitor.Sign up for e-alerts to receive a reminder e-mail on Environmental Monitor publication dates.

No Step II, Step III, Step IV or Step V Notices were submitted for publication in this edition.

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Copyright 2011, Connecticut Council on Environmental Quality