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train passing wetlands

The official site for project information under
the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act

June 6, 2006
Scoping Notices
      There is no current scoping notice.
Environmental Impact Evaluations available for review and comment
      1. NEW!  Construction and Relocation of the State Public Health Laboratory (SPHL) to Rocky Hill           
The next issue will be published on June 20, 2006.
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Scoping Notices

Scoping Notices have been issued for the following state projects.  These projects are in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated.

There is no current scoping notice.

EIE Notices

The following Environmental Impact Evaluations (EIEs) have been completed by state agencies and are available for review and comment. 

1. EIE Notice for Proposed Construction and Relocation of the State Public Health Laboratory (SPHL) to Rocky Hill

Municipality where project is proposed: Rocky Hill

Address of Project Location: West Street, Rocky Hill, CT (adjacent to the Veterans’ Home)

Project Description: The Department of Public Health (DPH), in association with the Department of Public Works (DPW), proposes to construct and relocate the SPHL from 10 Clinton Street in Hartford to West Street, adjacent to the Veterans’ Home in Rocky Hill.  The preferred site for the proposed project would be located on property of about 23 acres currently under the care and custody of the Connecticut Departments of Environmental Protection and Veterans’ Affairs.  The new SPHL would include approximately 120,000 square feet of building, associated site improvements, and approximately 240 parking spaces.

The proposed facility would provide state-of-the-art laboratories to support DPH’s public health programs and the programs of other state agencies and local health departments.  It would facilitate DPH’s collaborations with federal agencies on national surveillance programs and would enable the SPHL to more effectively handle testing in support of public health emergencies.  The facility would include adequate space to expand services in the future. The proposed project would also provide sufficient parking to offer space for each current staff member, new staff that may be hired for future expanded operations, and visitors, including couriers and those attending meetings and training.

Project Location Map:  Click here to view the proposed project location.

Written comments on this document and any other pertinent information must be sent or postmarked by July 21, 2006. 

The public can view a copy of this EIE at:

Rocky Hill Town Clerk, 761 Old Main Street, Rocky Hill

Cora J. Belden Library, 33 Church Street, Rocky Hill

DPW, 165 Capitol Avenue, Room 275, Hartford

DPW’s web site: follow the link under Public Notice

There is a public hearing scheduled for this EIE on:

DATE: July 12, 2006

TIME: 7:00 pm

PLACE: Rocky Hill Town Hall, Council Chambers, 761 Old Main Street, Rocky Hill

NOTES: Doors open at 6:30 pm.  The hearing will conclude at the end of public comments.

Send your comments about this EIE to:


Elise Gaulin-Kremer, Ph.D., Public Health Administrator


Department of Public Health


10 Clinton Street, P.O. Box 1689

Hartford, Connecticut 06144


(860) 509-8697


If you have questions about the public hearing, where you can review this EIE, or similar matters, please contact:


Emilio Pizzoferrato, Project Manager


Department of Public Works


165 Capitol Avenue, Room 460



(860) 713-5943

Additional information about the SPHL can be found here:

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Copyright 2006, Connecticut Council on Environmental Quality