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train passing wetlands

The official site for project information under
the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act

June 17, 2003
Scoping Notices
NEW! Prospect Water Main Extension (Prospect)
NEW PUBLIC MEETING DATE! Hartford Civic Center Redevelopment (Hartford)
3  Tunxis Community College Master Plan (Farmington) 
4  Operational and Safety Improvements along Route 9 (Middletown)
5  Old Saybrook Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems (Old Saybrook)
6  Town of Groton Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade (Groton)
Environmental Impact Evaluations available for review and comment
        1  NEW! Intermodal Transportation Center (Bridgeport)
        2  Improvements to the Seaview Avenue Corridor (Bridgeport)
The next issue will be published on July 8, 2003.
Subscribe to e-alerts for The Environmental Monitor.

Scoping Notices

Scoping Notices have been issued for the following state projects.  These projects are in the earliest stages of planning.  At the scoping stage, detailed information on a project's design, alternatives, and environmental impacts does not yet exist.  Sponsoring agencies are asking for comments from other agencies and from the public as to the scope of alternatives and environmental impacts that should be considered for further study.  Send your comments to the contact person listed for the project by the date indicated.

1. Notice of Scoping for Prospect Water Main Extension

Municipality where proposed project would be located: Prospect

Address of Project Location: Straightsville Road

Project Description: The Town of Prospect proposes to extend an 8-inch water main on Straightsville Road from Putting Green Lane southerly to the College Farms area.  The project would be funded by the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to a Special Act of the General Assembly.  The water main is being installed to correct an existing water supply deficit in the College Farms neighborhood.

Project Map:  Click here to view a map of the project area.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  July 18, 2003

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the Department of Environmental Protection will schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.

Additional information about the project can be viewed in person atDepartment of Environmental Protection, Inland Water Resources Division, 3rd Floor,79 Elm Street, Hartford , CT 06106-5127

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: Cheryl Chase
Agency: Department of Environmental Protection
Inland Water Resources Division
Address: 79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Fax: (860) 424-4075

If you have questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Cheryl Chase
Agency: Department of Environmental Protection
Inland Water Resources Division
Address: 79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Phone: (860) 424-3860
Fax: (860) 424-4075

The agency expects to release an Environmental Impact Evaluation for this project, for public review and comment, in August 2003.

2. Notice of Scoping for Hartford Civic Center Redevelopment

This scoping notice was published June 3, 2003.  Information on a public scoping meeting has been added - see details below. 

Municipality where proposed project might be located:  Hartford, CT

Address of Possible Project Location: Asylum and Trumbull Streets (see map)

Project Description:  The Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) is considering an action, described below, that is subject to the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA) (C.G.S. Sec.  22a-1).  The Capital City Economic Development Authority (CCEDA) is evaluating a proposal by a private sector developer to redevelop the Hartford Civic Center as a mixed-use complex.  The redevelopment would result in approximately 900,000 square feet of new construction following the demolition of all or a portion of the current retail and office space.  Current plans call for the retention of the arena area and garage.  The private sector developer is proposing to construct approximately 260 new residential units in a high-rise structure with supporting commercial and public spaces, along with a new 400(+) space garage (for residents).  State financial assistance is being considered for site preparation and infrastructure improvement activities. 

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:   July 2, 2003 at 4:00 p.m. 

A Public Scoping Meeting has been scheduled for:  Thursday, June 26, 2003, 6:00 pm, Hartford Civic Center Mall, Suite 100, 225 Trumbull Street, Hartford, CT. 

Written comments should be sent to:

Name: Peter Simmons         
Agency: CT Department of Economic and Community Development
Infrastructure & Real Estate Divsion   
Address: 505 Hudson Street   
Hartford, CT  06106-7106
Fax: 860/270-8157   

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Peter Simmons   
Agency: CT Department of Economic and Community Development   
Infrastructure & Real Estate Divsion
Address: 505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT  06107-7106
Phone: 860/270-8149
Fax: 860/270-8157

The agency expects to release an Environmental Impact Evaluation for this project, for public review and comment before the end of 2003.

3. Notice of Scoping for Tunxis Community College Master Plan

Municipality: Farmington

Address of Project Location: 271 Scott Swamp Road

Project Description:

The Board of Trustees of Community-Technical Colleges proposes to expand the current Tunxis Community College in a two-phase development process. Phase I includes the construction of two new buildings.  One building will house academic and laboratory space and the other building will contain a new library, student amenity space, consisting of a gallery, coffee shop and atrium, as well as a career center, student development center, and student counseling office.  Phase I will also require the demolition of Fisher Hall.  Phase II will include new construction as well as renovation of existing structures.  Phase II proposed projects include: additional space for classrooms and student services; the demolition of Building 200 for a new two-story building to house Faculty Offices, Administrative Offices, the Business Office, Financial Aid, Business and Community Services, and Records Storage; a new Child Development Center to be located in a renovated building; and renovation of Bidstrup Hall to house facilities, maintenance, and support offices.

Project Maps:  Project Location Map; Existing Site; Proposed Master Plan

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  July 2, 2003

No Public Scoping Meeting is scheduled for this project.  However, any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the sponsoring agency shall schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.

Additional information about the project can be viewed in person at the addresses listed below.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: John Francis Kraemer, AIA
Agency: Board of Trustees Community-Technical Colleges
Address: 61 Woodland Street 
Hartford, Connecticut  06105
Fax: (860) 566-6624

If you have questions about the public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: John Cavacas, Project Manager
Agency: Connecticut Department of Public Works
Address: 165 Capitol Avenue
Room 437
Hartford, Connecticut  06106
Phone: (860) 713-5610
Fax: (860) 713-7261

Other information: Click here for Tunxis Community College's web site.

 4. Notice of Scoping for Operational and Safety Improvements along Route 9



The Connecticut Department of Transportation proposes to perform operational and safety improvements along Route 9 in the City of Middletown. The project has been broken down into two distinct areas, A & B.

Area "A" is located at the northern limits of the project which will begin near Exit 14, DeKoven Street and Downtown, and end near the bridge over the Mattabesset River for a distance of approximately 6000 feet (1800 meters). The proposed work will include providing a new Route 9 interchange and allowing access to the Arrigoni Bridge and Main Street (Route 66). Elimination of the traffic signals along Route 9 at the Hartford Avenue and Washington Street intersections. The work will also include providing pedestrian access to the riverfront from Middletown.

The Limits for Area "B" will begin near the Silver Street overpass and end in the vicinity of Court Street for a distance of approximately 5300 feet (1600 Meters). The proposed work will include providing a revised Route 9 interchange with Route 17. This interchange will add a northbound Route 9 Ramp to Route 17. The interchange will also provide vehicle and pedestrian access to the river and pedestrian access to the river along Route 17 sidewalk.

An Environmental Impact Evaluation will be conducted to examine alternatives, project impacts, and proposed mitigation for construction of new roadway and associated drainage systems, intersections, bridge work, sidewalks, curbing and illumination. It is anticipated that an Environmental Impact Statement will be required for Area "A" and an Environmental Assessment will be required Area "B".


Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on: July 2, 2003.

There will be a Public Scoping Meeting for this project at:

DATE: June 24, 2003TIME: 6:00pm to 9:00pm.

PLACE: Municipal Building, 245 DeKoven Drive and Court Street, Middletown in the City Hall council Chamber located on the main floor.

Written Comments should be sent to:

Name:  Edgar T. Hurle, Director of Environmental Planning
Agency: Connecticut Department of TransportationAddress: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, P.0. Box 317546, Newington, CT 06131

If you have questions about the public meeting, or any other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Thomas A. Harley
Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike, P.0. Box 317546, Newington, CT 06131
Phone: (860) 594-3191
Fax: (860) 594-3373

ConnDOT expects to release an Environmental Impact Evaluation for this project, for Public review and comment, in the Spring of 2004.

5. Notice of Scoping for Old Saybrook Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems

Municipality where proposed project would be located: Old Saybrook

Project Description: :  Previous wastewater studies have identified a number of areas of environmental concern within the town due to inadequate wastewater treatment and disposal. (Click here to see map of study areas.)  Factors limiting proper onsite wastewater disposal within these areas include poor soils, high groundwater and small lot sizes. The proposal to address these issues is to implement a decentralized wastewater management plan. This plan includes the construction of sanitary sewers to serve the Chalker Beach, Indiantown and Saybrook Manor study areas. Sewer and treatment system capacity will be sized to accommodate existing development, with minimal capacity for growth or expansion. Wastewater will be conveyed to an inland site for treatment and disposal into a subsurface effluent disposal system. Other study areas are proposed to be addressed by a combination of mandatory septic system improvements or installation of alternative treatment technologies, the management of which would be the responsibility of the water pollution control authority. Properties in these areas will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  July 11, 2003

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below. If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the Department of Environmental Protection will schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.

Additional information about the project can be viewed in person at:

Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Management (2nd Floor)
79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: Dennis J. Greci, Supervising Sanitary Engineer
Agency: Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Management
Address: 79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Fax: (860) 424-4067

If you have questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: Dennis J. Greci, Supervising Sanitary Engineer
Agency: Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Management
Address: 79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: (860) 424-3751
Fax: (860) 424-4067

6. Notice of Scoping for Town of Groton Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

Municipality where proposed project would be located: Groton

Address of Project Location: 170 Gary Court, Groton

Project Description: The purpose of the proposed action is to expand and upgrade the Town of Groton's wastewater treatment plant from 5.0 million gallons per day to 7.5 million gallons per day.  This upgrade will include nitrogen removal facilities to achieve compliance with the general permit for nitrogen discharges from wastewater treatment plants.  In addition, there will be a modification of the sanitary sewer service area, as reflected on the project map.

Project Map:  Click here to view a map of the town's proposed sewer service area and location of the treatment plant.

Written comments from the public are welcomed and will be accepted until the close of business on:  June 20, 2003

Any person can ask the sponsoring agency to hold a Public Scoping Meeting by sending such a request to the address below.  If a meeting is requested by 25 or more individuals, or by an association that represents 25 or more members, the Department of Environmental Protection will schedule a Public Scoping Meeting.

Written comments and/or requests for a Public Scoping Meeting should be sent to:

Name: George V. Hicks, P.E.
Agency: Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Management
Address: 79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Fax: (860) 424-4067

If you have questions about a public meeting, or other questions about the scoping for this project, contact:

Name: George V. Hicks, P.E.
Agency: Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Management
Address: 79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: (860) 424-3752
Fax: (860) 424-4067

The agency expects to release an Environmental Impact Evaluation for this project, for public review and comment, in September 2003.


EIE Notices

The following Environmental Impact Evaluations have been completed by state agencies and are available for review and comment. 

1. EIE Notice for Intermodal Transportation Center

Municipality where project is proposed:  Bridgeport, CT

Address of Possible Project Location: Water Street (see maps)

Project Description: The City of Bridgeport is undertaking the reconstruction of a multi-phased intermodal facility to be located in the downtown area.  This new facility will be designed to physically and functionally integrate a variety of existing and proposed modes of transportation in the heart of the central business district.  The combination of commuter and high-speed rail, ferry, intra- and inter-city bus, taxi, limousine, airport shuttle, automobile and pedestrian modes in a single facility is expected to be an important transportation and economic development magnet to the downtown and waterfront. 

Project Maps:  Click here to view maps of the project area.  location map    site map

Comments on this EIE will be accepted until 4:00 pm onJuly 31, 2003.

The public can view a copy of this EIE at:

Department of Economic & Community Development (DECD), 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT  06106

DECD Southwest Regional Office, Governor's Southwestern Office, 10 Middle Street, 1st floor
Bridgeport, CT 06604

City Clerk, City of Bridgeport, 45 Lyon Terrace, Room 204, Bridgeport, CT  06604

Burroughs Library, 925 Broad Street, Bridgeport, CT  06604

Federal Transit Administration, 55 Broadway, Suite 920, Cambridge, MA  02142-1093 

There is a public hearing scheduled for this EIE on

DATE: Monday, July 21, 2003      

TIME: 7:00 p.m.   

PLACE: Bridgeport City Hall, 45 Lyon Terrace, Wheeler Room B, Bridgeport, CT

Additional information about this project can be found online at:

Send your comments about this EIE to:

Name: Marie E. McGuinness   
Agency: Department of Economic & Community Development      
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT  06106      

If you have questions about the public hearing, or where you can review this EIE, or similar matters, please contact:

Name: Marie E. McGuinness   
Agency: Department of Economic & Community Development   
Address: 505 Hudson Street, Hartford, CT  06106
Phone: 860/270-8148

Other information:  This project is a joint undertaking of the CT Department of Economic & Community Development, the CT Department of Transportation, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and the City of Bridgeport.  The EIE referenced document above has been prepared as a joint NEPA/CEPA document - Environmental Assessment and 4F Evaluation / Draft Environmental Evaluation.  Requests for documents and/or FTA comments must be submitted to the FTA c/o City of Bridgeport, atten:  Steve Tyliszczak, OPED, 999 Broad St., Bridgeport, CT 06604.  State comments must be submitted to Marie E. McGuinness at the address above. 

2.  EIE Notice for Improvements to the Seaview Avenue Corridor

Municipality where project is proposed:   Bridgeport, CT

Project Description:   Four-lane limited access roadway constructed west of existing Seaview Avenue and east of the Yellow Mill Channel.  The roadway will provide a direct link between Interstate 95 - Interchange 29 and U.S. Route 1. 

Comments on this EIE will be accepted until the close of business on:  July 7, 2003

The public can view a copy of this EIE at:   The Bridgeport City Clerks Office, The Bridgeport Public Library, The Greater Bridgeport Regional Planning Agency, the Connecticut Department of Transportation - 2800 Berlin Turnpike, Newington and the Federal Highway Administration -  628-2 Hebron Avenue, Glastonbury.

There is a public hearing scheduled for this EIE on:

DATE:   June 18, 2003 

TIME:   7:00 PM

PLACE:   Harding High School - Bridgeport, CT 

NOTES:   Staff will be available at 6:30 to discuss the project.

Send your comments about this EIE to:

Name: Mr. James Wang
Agency: Greater Bridgeport Regional Planning Agency
Address: 525 Water Street
Bridgeport, CT

If you have questions about the public hearing, or where you can review this EIE, or similar matters, please contact:

Name: Mr. Keith T. Hall
Agency: Connecticut Department of Transportation
Address: 2800 Berlin Turnpike-Newington, CT 06131
Phone: 860-594-2926

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Copyright 2002, Connecticut Council on Environmental Quality