Connecticut Coalition Against Bed Bugs (CCABB). Bed Bug Information.
Bed Bug Information
General Information
- Don't Panic Bed Bugs
- CCABB Board Members
- Connecticut Bed Bug Pest Management Professionals List 2019
- Connecticut Health Department Bed Bug Identification Guide, Gale E. Ridge
- Spanish version -- Departamento de Salud de Connecticut Guia de Indentificacion de Chinches de Cama, Spanish version of Connecticut Health Department Bed Bug Identification Guide, Gale E. Ridge
EPA Scientific Advisory Panel Minutes on Products and Efficacy Against Invertebrate Pests (2013)
Recycling and Refurbishing Industries
Shelters and Other Accommodations
- Bed Bug Guide For Connecticut Schools, Gale E. Ridge
- Spanish Version--Guia de Chinches de Cama Para Escuelas en Connecticut, Gale E. Ridge, Spanish version of Bed Bug Guide for Connecticut Schools, Gale E. Ridge
Transfer Station Employees
Day Care Services
- Bed Bug Guide for Connecticut Day Care Services, Gale E. Ridge
- Spanish Version--Guia de Chinches de Cama Para Servicios de Guarderia Infantil de Connecticut, Gale E. Ridge, Spanish version of Bed Bug Guide for Connecticut Day Care Services, Gale E. Ridge
- First Steps to Manage Bed Bugs in and Around the Bed
- Best Practices for Bed Bug Management of Mattresses, Bedding, and Upholstered Furniture, Guidance Document for the Reuse/Resale and Recycling Industries in Connecticut (2011), CCABB
- Got Bed Bugs, Gale E. Ridge
- Spanish Version--Tienes cinches de cama? Spanish version of Got Bed Bugs?, Gale E. Ridge
- Bed Bugs: How to deal with them, Gale E. Ridge
- Spanish Version -- Bed Bugs: How to deal with them, Spanish version of Bed Bugs: How to deal with them, Gale E. Ridge
- A Home Owner's Guide to the Human Bed Bugs Climex lectularis L., hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae: Heteroptera)
- Spanish Version--GUIA DE CONTROL PARA CHINCHE DE CAMA, Gale E. Ridge (Spanish Version), Spanish version of A Home Owner's Guide to the Human Bed Bugs Climex lectularis L., hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae Heterptera), Gale E. Ridge
- Chinese Version--A Home Owner's Guide to the Human Bed Bugs Climex lectularis L., hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae Heterptera) (Chinese version)
- French Version-- La Punaise de Lit: Guide Pratique pour Propriétaires et Locataires Cimex lectularius L., C. hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae: Heteroptera), Gale E. Ridge (French Version), French version of A Home Owner's Guide to the Human Bed Bugs Climex lectularis L., hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae Heterptera), Gale E. Ridge
- A Home Owners Guide to Bed Bugs, Gale E. Ridge
- Materials from EPA's National Bed Bug Summit (April 14 - 15, 2009) are now available on the web at: . On the website you will find the Summit's agenda, workgroup results, a summary of recommendations developed by the meeting's participants, and a link to the Public Docket where you can find speaker presentations and attendance sign-in sheets. Also on the website are the video webinar presentations delivered the first morning of the Summit.
- What's Working for Bed Bug Control in Multifamily Housing: Reconciling best practices with research and the realities of implementation, National Center for Healthy Housing.
- Bed Bug Catcher
CCABB Presentations and Information from the Connecticut Bed Bug Forums
CCABB, Bed Bug Forum XI, Tuesday, November 7, 2019
- Unique features of global human ectoparasite identified through sequencing of the bed bug genome
- Sensation and Emotion: A Discussion of Human Interaction with the Insect World
- Bed Bug Research. Understanding an Enigma.
- Bed Bugs- CT Legal Aspects
- Bed Bug Forum XI Photos
- Review of the "Natural" Product Minefield for Bed Bug Control
- Flyer, CCABB, Bed Bug Forum XI, Tuesday, November 7, 2019
CCABB, Bed Bug Forum X, Bed Bugs Meet the Law, Tuesday, November 8, 2016
- An Act Concerning the Rights and Responsibilities of Landlords and Tenants Regarding the Treatment of Bed Bug Infestations, House Bill No. 5335, Public Act No. 16-51
- Background slides with award to Judith R. Dicine for Bed Bugs Meet the Law PA 16-51
- Bed Bugs Meet the Law. An Explanation of Public Act No. 16-51. Atty. Judith R. Dicine
- Introduction to Bed Bugs, Research, and Management. PA 16-51. Forum X. Dr. Gale Ridge, CAES
- PA 16-51 Sections broken up into headings Atty. Raphael Podolsky
- Program for Bed Bugs Meet the Law. Forum X.
- Specific Issues Concerning PA 16-15 Bed Bugs
CCABB, Bed Bug Forum IX, Monday, April 25, 2016
CCABB, Bed Bug Forum VIII, Thursday, October 16, 2014
CCABB, Bed Bugs Be Gone Forum VII, Thursay, April 11, 2013
- Powerpoint Presentations:
- Bed Bug Reproduction and Behavior, Dr. Gale E. Ridge
- Managing the Public Face of the Beg Bug Crisis , Andrea Obston
- Pesticides for Managing Bed Bugs, Dr. Richard Cowles
- Bed Bug Exposures, Lipca Insurance, Andy McGinty
- Newspaper articles by forum speakers
- Crisis report: Some lessons are new, others old, Andrea Obston
- The good, bad and the ugly of apologies, Andrea Obston
CCABB, Tuesday, December 7, 2010, Bed Bug Forum IV
CCABB, March 22, 2010 Bed Bug Forum
- Biology, history, and current bed bug issues, Dr. Gale E. Ridge
- Research and development, Dr. John F. Anderson
- Bed bug detection dogs, Charlie Mastroberti
- Inspection, self-protection, and management advice for health departments and PCO technicians, Michael Lipsett
- Legal aspects of bed bug enforcement, Attorney Judith R. Dicine
Technicians Sample Paperwork
- Bed Bug Control--Operator's Instructions
- Bed Bug Control--Technician's Report
- Bed Bug Control--How to Prepare for a Bed Bug Treatment
- Bed Bug Control--Bed Bug Treatments
Working Bed Bug Dogs
- Bed Hide Demonstration (.wmv file)
- The Future of Detection: Bed Bug Dogs (.mpg file)
- Pepe Dog Training (.wmv file)
Delusory Parasitosis and Further Bed Bug Reading
- Delusory Parasitosis, Gale E. Ridge
- Ekbom Syndrome: The Challenge of "Invisible Bug" Infestations, Nancy C. Hinkle
- Joint Statement on Bed Bug Control in the United States from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
MP3 Files--To listen to these files you will need a software program capable of loading these files or you can download the program for free from Microsoft Windows Media Player. NOTE: Some of these documents are provided in Adobe® Acrobat™ (.pdf) format. If you do not have Adobe® Acrobat™ Reader to view and/or print your these documents, you will need to download the Adobe® Acrobat™ Reader. To get a free copy of the software, click the "Get Acrobat" image.