Connecticut Attorney General's Office

Press Release

Attorney General Warns Consumers To Shun Healthcare Reform Scams

June 9, 2010

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal today warned consumers to shun scammers seeking Social Security and bank account numbers by offering bogus insurance and benefits supposedly related to the recent healthcare reform law.

Common scams include asking consumers for Social Security and/or bank account information to:

·         Qualify for “limited time offers” of phony “government healthcare reform” or “Obamacare” insurance;

·         Buy policies shielding consumers from “death panels”;

·         “Expedite” Medicare or prescription drug benefits;

·         Receive $250 Medicare drug benefit “doughnut hole” rebate checks to be mailed this week;

·         Remain enrolled in Medicare when the healthcare law takes effect.

“These unconscionable con artists exploit confusion and contention about the federal healthcare reform law to steal consumers’ cash,” Blumenthal said. “Any offer of ‘healthcare reform’ or ‘Obamacare’ insurance is likely bogus, a scheme to extract vital personal financial information. These scams are especially insidious because they not only prey on consumers, but perpetuate pernicious and malicious misinformation about the new law.

“Consumers should never provide Social Security or bank account numbers or other personal information to people they don’t know. Personal, private data is like cash and should be guarded just as carefully.

“I urge consumers to protect themselves by learning about the new law. Accurate information shields consumers from scams seeking to exploit fears and misconceptions about healthcare reform.”

For accurate information on the healthcare reform law, consumers can visit the following websites:

·         The state Department of Insurance Health Care Reform Consumer Resource

·         U. S. Health and Human Services webpage on Health Care Reform 

·         White House pages on Health Care Reform 

Consumers offered insurance or other benefits related to healthcare reform should:

·         Call the Connecticut Insurance Department at 800-203-3447 to ask about the agent and policy offered;

·         Beware of any solicitation using the terms “Obamacare” or “death panel”;

·         Be wary of pitches referring to “grandfathered” healthcare policies, “limited-time” enrollment or “mandatory” health insurance coverage;

·         Never provide Social Security numbers or other personal identifying information to door-to-door or telephone salesmen claiming they need such information to ensure continued participation in Medicare or other government programs.

Consumers victimized by such scam should contact Attorney General Blumenthal by email or calling 860-808-5318.