BESB Services for Job Seekers

BESB offers a wide range of services, both directly and through community rehabilitation providers to assist job seekers to obtain the skills and credentials that lead to employment success. Through the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, job seekers can access a variety of services at American Job Center locations across the state. Examples of these service include seminars on interviewing techniques, resume writing, and customized job searches to locate employers who are hiring in your chosen field. BESB Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors are also available to work with you and the American Job Center staff to help bring about a successful employment match.  Contact The Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisor at 860-602-4032 for more information.


How to Request BESB Funding for Self-Employment  
State Rehabilitation Council Annual Report
Consumer Satisfaction Survey Report
Voc. Rehab Services Handbook for Eligible Individuals     
Manual de Servicios de rehabilitación vocacional para las personas elegibles 2019
BESB Vocational Rehabilitation Section of Unified State Plan- Effective 7-1-18