BESB Services for Employers

For a wide range of occupations, the Vocational Rehabilitation Program can provide qualified, motivated and experienced job candidates. BESB is a proud partner of the American Job Center network and through this partnership, employer recruitments can be shared across a wide range of partner programs to maximize the pool of qualified candidates for your consideration.

Available services can include:
  • Referring to your business pre-screened, qualified applicants that meet your job requirements.
  • Access to Tax Credits for hiring a BESB referred individual.
  • Training funds for referrals who are hired or offered paid internships.
  • Worker-Retention Services that evaluate and provide the necessary training and accommodations for your business to retain employees who have experienced a vision loss.
  • Employee awareness training that assists your employees to learn about the accommodations available and strategies that make it possible for an employee with legal blindness to be a productive and contributing staff member.
  • Ongoing follow up support after the hire.

Contact Jonathan Richmond, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor Coordinator at (860) 602-4031 or email him at: