BESB Statewide Rehabilitation Council


Gary Allen

Scott Baecker (Treasurer)

Nathaniel Barnes (Secretary)

Michael Bartley (Vice-Chair) 

Brandy Altergott

Amanda Billiot 

Jay Brown

John Carnemolla

Alan Gunzburg (Chair) 

Lucretia Jones

John McNickle

Enaida Mendoza (ex-officio)  

Deb Reed

Beth Reel

Eileen Rose

Dawn Russell 

Brian Sigman (ex-officio)

Kendra Valente


Meeting Dates 2020*:

January 23, 2020 (Special Meeting)




March 25, 2020

   Agenda - Please note this has been changed to a teleconference:

  Call in Number: 877-926-0531Passcode: 4506731#

June 24, 2020

September 23, 2020

December 16, 2020

Meeting dates 2019*: 


March 27, 2019

Agenda 3/27/19

Minutes 3/27/19


June 12, 2019

Agenda 6/12/19

Minutes 6/12/19


September 25, 2019

Agenda 9/25/19

Minutes 9/25/19

December 18, 2019


*all meetings held at BESB at 10:00 a.m. unless noted

STATE REHABILITATION COUNCIL to the Connecticut Department of Aging and Disability Services - Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind SRC ANNUAL REPORT FY 2019

2018 Meeting Dates Archive

February 14, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. (Special Meeting)

Agenda 2/14/18

Minutes 2/14/18


June 13, 2018

Agenda 6/13/18

Minutes 6/13/18


September 26, 2018

Agenda 9/26/18

Minutes 9/26/18


December 19, 2018

Agenda 12/19/18

Minutes 12/19/18