Filing for Your Retirement Benefit

Benefit payments do not begin automatically. There are certain forms and documents you must file by law within a prescribed period of time to initiate benefits. Late filing results in lost monthly benefits.

To insure that your retirement is effective on the first day of the month following your termination of service or on the first day of the month in which you are first eligible to receive a benefit, you must file the following items no later than the last day of the month preceding the month your retirement is to become effective:

Retirement benefits are calculated based on a retirement formula type, average salary, full-time equivalency (FTE) and credited service. Average annual salary is the average of your three highest-paid years (30 months) in Connecticut public schools. If you have part-time service, your benefit will be reduced to reflect the full-time equivalency. Refer to your Member Annual Statement for information on your past salaries, FTE and credited service.