
New as of October 30, 2017

State of Connecticut first Online Applicant Tracking System.

How do I…” page (https://jobapscloud.com/ct/HelpTopics.asp) that provides answers to questions like: - Establish and account - Create a master application - Apply for a job opening - Sign up to receive a notice when a job opens - Update my application on file - Update submitted applications - Update or change my contact information - Update of change my resume.

Upon “Go-Live”, key changes to the overall process when applying for State of Connecticut Executive Branch jobs include:

  • Discontinuing the practice of separate applications for examinations and job openings. You will no longer have to be on a former examination list to apply for current job openings (except for the below job classes). There is only one website called the On-Line Employment Center (OEC) and, if there is a current job opening that interests you, simply apply for it! Our evaluation of whether or not your application meets the minimum qualifications of the job will constitute the examination.
  • Eliminating all examination lists, with the exception of the following job classes:
    • Correction Officer
    • Correctional Lieutenant
    • State Police Trooper Trainee
    • Protective Services Trainee
    • State Police Sergeant
    • Police Sergeant
    • State Police Master Sergeant
    • Police Master Sergeant
    • State Police Lieutenant
    • Police Lieutenant