What is a National Interest Waiver?
The National Interest Waiver program is one effort by the Connecticut Department of Public Health to enhance access to care for underserved populations.
The term “National Interest Waiver” (NIW) is taken from a federal Immigration and Naturalization Service law, P.L. 106-95, which provides an avenue for foreign physicians, who meet certain requirements, to secure visas to practice in the United States, eventually leading to possible permanent U.S. residency. Part of the application package the MD submits to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) must include a letter from the state health department or a federal agency attesting to:  a) licensure, b) shortage area practice location, and c) that granting this visa is “in the public interest.”
The Department of Public Health takes requests directly from physicians or their employers via letter or on our request form (PDF), determines eligibility, and replies appropriately to the requesting party. This documenting and matching of foreign physicians with eligible communities provides physicians the necessary visas/immigration paperwork to allow them to reside and practice in Connecticut serving needy areas.
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For more Information:
For CT licensing information: (860) 509-8374 or (860) 509-7603
For questions on the NIW Program: (860) 509-8074