General Information

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

      General information about colorectal cancer, risk factors, symptoms of
      colorectal cancer, colorectal screening and colorectal cancer
Connecticut Tumor Registry  
      Contains links to reports about colorectal cancer and other cancers
      in Connecticut.
Hereditary Colorectal Cancer
      Questions and answers about hereditary types of colorectal cancer
      and the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing.  Contains
      links to information about cancer genetics and services, including
      genetic counseling.
      Links to information about the importance of family health history
      for assessing risk of getting colorectal cancer and other diseases. 
      A family health history is a record of a person’s current and past
      illnesses, and those of his or her blood relatives.  It shows the pattern
      of certain diseases in a family, and helps to determine the risk for
      those and other diseases.
Colorectal Cancer Resources
      Additional resources in Connecticut, national organizations,
      and related websites.