Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Connecticut and the nation, with heart disease being the leading cause.  Breast, prostate, lung, and colorectal are the four most common cancers diagnosed, while breast, lung, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers account for the majority of deaths attributed to cancer in Connecticut.


The Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (CCCP) is housed in the Community, Family and Health Equity Section of the Public Health Initiatives Branch and provides leadership for and coordination of statewide cancer control efforts. The CCCP includes the Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, Colorectal Cancer Control Program, and the WISEWOMAN Program and is funded through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Cooperative Agreements.


What is Comprehensive Cancer Control?

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines comprehensive cancer control as an "integrated and coordinated approach to reducing cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality of cancer through prevention (primary prevention), early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, and palliation."  Comprehensive cancer control (CCC) is a collaborative and strategic approach used by communities and their partners to combine, share, and coordinate resources to reduce the burden of cancer. The National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) was established in 1998 by CDC to support this wide-ranging and inclusive effort. The program provides funding and technical support for the development and implementation of comprehensive cancer control plans. These plans guide the work of many and focus on current and emerging cancer issues, including cancer prevention, early detection, treatment, rehabilitation, and survivorship.


Priorities for CDC-funded NCCC programs include the following:

  • Emphasize primary prevention of cancer
  • Support early detection and treatment activities
  • Address public health needs of cancer survivors
  • Implement policy, systems, and environmental changes to guide sustainable cancer control
  • Promote health equity as it relates to cancer control 
  • Demonstrate outcomes through evaluation

Comprehensive cancer control involves a systematic process that begins by mobilizing support among key stakeholders and organizations committed to cancer prevention and control.  The process includes:

  • forming a statewide partnership;
  • identifying state specific cancer issues;
  • developing a plan that includes goals, objectives and strategies for improvement as well as;
  • evaluating progress in achieving goals and objectives.

The CCCP collaborates with community partners to share resources to:

  • promote cancer prevention;
  • improve early detection; 
  • increase access to health and social services, and
  • reduce the burden of cancer

Collaborative partners form the Connecticut Cancer Partnership (Partnership) which is a broad and diverse coalition of more than 150 key stakeholders representing all aspects of cancer prevention and control in Connecticut.  The Partnership is responsible for coordinating a statewide comprehensive approach to cancer prevention and control through the development and implementation of the Connecticut Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan. Please see the link to the current plan: Connecticut Cancer Plan, 2014-2017  The efforts of the Partnership have resulted in significant contributions in reducing cancer risks, detecting cancer earlier, improving access to treatment, and enhancing survivorship and end of life care for cancer patients and their families in Connecticut.

For more information regarding the Partnership and statewide cancer

control activities, please visit the Connecticut Cancer Partnership website.



The Connecticut Department of Public Health Comprehensive Cancer Control Program also supports the efforts of the St. Francis Hospital Men’s Health Institute’s work in the African-American community.  The goal of the Men’s Health Institute is to provide free services to the uninsured and the underinsured, and to address the racial disparities that affect the African-American community.  The program focuses on patient education, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment for men at risk for prostate cancer. 

For more information visit:

St. Francis Hospital Men's Health Institute


Related Links:

National Cancer Institute

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC - National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program

Connecticut Department of Public Health, Tobacco Use Prevention Control Program

The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer