Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Information regarding asbestos hazards, regulations, publications and resources.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection: Provides information on hazardous waste, including asbestos, disposal.
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): Information and additional links about recognition, evaluation and control of asbestos hazards.
Connecticut Department of Labor: Provides information on worker safety.
Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry: Learn about the health effects of asbestos exposure, the types of asbestos exposure, and what to do if you believe that you've been exposed.
Connecticut State Department of Education: Health Promotion Services/School Nurse: Health Promotion Services/School Nurse Program provides consultation to school nurses, school nurse leaders, school administrators and the community regarding the health and safety of students. This consultation and technical assistance includes addressing the provisions of health services during the school day and the promotion of health and wellness activities that support student achievement.
Connecticut Department of Public Health, Environmental Laboratory Certification: This program approves and/or certifies all environmental laboratories (private, municipal, and state operated) which test drinking water, sewage, solid waste, soil, air, food, and other  environmental samples for bacteria, inorganics, organics, and radiochemicals in Connecticut.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Designated Person’s Self Study Guide (pdf, 354 KB)

The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools regulation (Section 19a-333-1 through Section 19a-333-13) requires each local education agency to designate a person to ensure that the requirements related to these regulations are properly implemented.  The US Environmental Protection Agency developed this Study Guide for training “Designated Persons”. The original Study Guide (EPA 9: O/R 93-023) published January 1996 has been modified to incorporate specific requirements contained within the DPH regulation.


Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) (pdf) EPA Reminder to schools of obligations concerning safe management of asbestos (April, 2011)


Asbestos Sampling Bulletin, September 30, 1994 (pdf, 44 KB)

Supplementary guidance on bulk sample collection and analysis.


Circular Letter #2003-10 (pdf, 47 KB)

Regulatory interpretation regarding intact removal of non-friable asbestos-containing materials.


Circular Letter EHS#2006-33 (pdf, 31 KB)

Request to perform asbestos abatement while school is in session.  

Circular Letter EHS #2010-48 (pdf)

Regulatory interpretations regarding post abatement reoccupancy criteria (August 2010).  


Federal Register Advisory, August 1, 1994 (pdf, 12 KB)

Advisory regarding availability of an improved asbestos bulk sample analysis test method.


Federal Register Advisory, October 2, 1997

Advisory regarding asbestos NESHAP state notification procedure change.


Focus on Asbestos in Schools (pdf, 213 KB)

Information on the Local Education Agency's (LEA's) responsibilities as they pertain to asbestos in schools.


Suggested Guidelines for the Maintenance of Asbestos Containing Floor Coverings (pdf, 121 KB)

Suggested maintenance and precautions for asbestos containing floor coverings.