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Elevator Work License

License types and scope of work:

License types include:

R-1 Unlimited Elevator Contractor

R-2 Unlimited Elevator Journeyperson

R-5 Accessibility Contractor

R-6 Accessibility Journeyperson

RSL - Residential Stair Lift Technician

*Click on the link for “Scope of Work Definitions” at the bottom of the page for more information on the type of license you wish to apply for.

For license types R-1, R-2, R-5, R-6:



The requirements to qualify for the journeyperson license examination shall be completion of a registered apprenticeship program or equivalent experience and training.


The requirements to qualify for the contractor license examination shall be two (2) years as a properly licensed journeyperson.  


Application Fee

Contractor: $150.00

  • The $150.00 initial license fee will be due after the successful completion of the examination.

Journeyperson: $90.00  

  • The $120.00 initial license fee will be due after  the successful completion of the examination.

For License Type RSL - Residential Stair Lift Technician:

*Note:  There is no examination for this license type.  Application and renewal fees can be found by clicking "Residential Stair Lift Technician Statutes/Regulations"   


All elevator work licenses expire annually on August 31st.  Renewal Fee: Contractor $150.00; Journeyperson $120.00

Retiree Status:
Other Information:

Licensing Board:

Email Address:
