The Council on Environmental Quality is continuing to carry out its mission while keeping both the public and our workforce safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. All submissions to the Council should be sent electronically to:

Here's How the Council on Environmental Quality Can Help You:

1.  Annual Reports. Environmental Quality in Connecticut is the state's official report on the condition of the state's environment.
2.  Special Reports. on Connecticut’s major environmental challenges, such as invasive species or the effectiveness of wetlands programs.
3.  Complaints. If you observe an environmental problem that no other agency seems to be solving effectively, contact the Council to see if we can help. The Council will investigate and, if appropriate, recommend that a relevant agency take corrective action. (The Council does not have any legal authority to take direct enforcement action, but often can get attention focused on a problem.) Contact us.
4. Environmental Monitor. This twice-monthly online publication keeps you informed of proposed state projects for which state agencies are seeking public comments related to environmental impacts, as well as proposals to transfer state lands out of state ownership. You can sign up for e-mail alerts to be notified when the Environmental Monitor is published.
5.  Public Forums.  The Council holds public forums in different regions of the state. This is the public’s opportunity to speak up and tell the Council what aspects of Connecticut’s environment are being neglected or ignored by state government, and what the state’s environmental priorities should be. You can sign up for e-mail alerts to be notified of these forums.
6.  Monthly Meetings.  All meetings are open to the public. You can sign up for e-mail alerts to be notified when a new agenda is posted. There are several ways that you can participate in a meeting.
7. Recent Environmental Reviews and Comments. The Council reviews and comments on proposed projects, plans, studies, etc. as it relates to the potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts on Connecticut's environment.